1.0 - Sh*t Blvd

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"era infatti una figlia della luna.

vagando senza meta nel buio.

portando luce a tutti intorno a lei"


"she was in fact, a child of the moon. 

wandering around aimlessly in the dark.

bringing light to everyone around her"


"one double-shot flat white to go!" I call out, placing the steaming cup of coffee on the counter. Our regular, professor Simon shoots me a small grin before taking his coffee back to his seat. 

His coat ruffles as the door to the shop opens, a cold gust of wind blowing in. It's finally wintertime in Roma, and after the boiling, sweat-drenching summer this year, I've been praying. 

I shiver lightly while walking back to the cashier to take the order of the new customer coming in. She walks up with a big toothy smile. Her eyes are hooded in smudgy black eyeliner and her lips in messy red lipstick. A gold nose ring hangs down from her nose. 

"I will have...wait actually what do you recommend" she chirps up leaning against the counter to read our signs.

"Most people love the toffee nut latte with cinnamon in the winter" I smile back at her, 

"bellissimo"  she says popping herself on a barstool. 

Once I'm done making her coffee, she receives it with a small smile. 

"I'm Victoria but you can call me Vic" she sticks out her hand as I shake it, 

"I'm Luna....you can call me Luna?" I say awkwardly as she chuckles. Once again proved that I'm not the best at talking to people. Ironic how it's my job. 

"bene Luna I'm free after 7 if you wanna hang out, pretty bored in Rome" Victoria scribbles her number on the napkin I gave her.

"Yeah sure my shift ends at 6" 

"Perfecto see you bella!" Vic calls out walking out of the cafe. 

Well at least I finally made a friend. Can't lie and say I'm not excited.


Around 6:15 I'm walking up the rusty metal stairs to my 3rd floor flat. It's a tiny apartment with mostly glass windows. 

Am I scared I accidentally flash someone or a serial killer decides to murder me? very. 

As I walk in my cat Gimbo comes to great me. He's a fat orange tabby cat, I really should have named him Garfield. 

By the time I've showered and organized my stuff its already 6:45, so I have 15 minutes to get ready before meeting Vic. 

"dalla luna" ▪︎ damiano davidWhere stories live. Discover now