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 Alice's point of view

The sun was now completely gone and the air grew cold. But I didn't want to get up from this very spot, I didn't want to leave this day. Who knew a stranger could become someone you felt completely safe with? I didn't know anyone in this town but he made me feel welcomed. 

"I think I should get going," I said in a hushed tone. I heard his movement and he made his way to my side of the tree reaching out his hand to help me up for the second time today. We walked slowly back to his rusty pick up truck. My mind was racing and begging for this day to never reach it's peak. What if life had a remote? What if we were able to rewind and replay parts of our lives? I think I'd relive this day over and over again. 

"What're you thinking about?" His voice was soft and croaked as if he was getting a cold, or maybe he was just tired. I liked the sound of it, it was that voice you hear when you just wake up or when you've been up for too long. 

I shrugged my shoulders and sent him a small smile,"I wasn't thinking,"

He raised one of his perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me,"I may have just met you Alice, But I've seen you lost in a book, I've seen you take pauses to reanalyze the sentence you just read because it could be interpreted in a thousand different ways. You're not fooling me, love."

"I should be scared, Shouldn't I?" I spoke with a hint of laughter in my quiet tone,"You're some stranger coming into my life, swearing he knows everything about m-"

"Correction, I know I don't know anything about you." He shot me smirk,"But sure as hell I want to."

"Why?" Why did he want to know things about me? Why did he seem so interested in knowing the patterns of my breathing, my thinking habits, why did he want to act like I wasn't invisible? If he really knew me, if he really read the defining sentences of each chapter would he stick until the ending?

"I wish I could answer that myself, but to be honest, I don't know why."

 I shook my head but couldn't help but let a small giggle out,"You're different."

"I could say the same about you," His voice was getting quieter as he spoke more,"I can read your eyes like the summary written on the back of the book or in the front on the little flap of the cover. I'm reading the summary and all I want is to open the book,"

"I'm not the best book out there,"

"You're a book that's refusing to be open, like the author feels the need making a few gramatical changes, but he never really gets along to do it. So you just sit on the shelf...thinking no one notices you, I noticed you everyday."

   I didn't answer because I didn't exactly know what I should or even if I could speak. He was unwinding the depths of my mind and breaking these four walls I've built around myself. His words had so much meaning, they had  so much passion.  The sky was filled with stars, reaching down to roll down the window I started humming, 

   My hair was whipping back from the wind, I let myself hang out the window a little bit to admire the stars,"They're so beautiful."

"So are you, Love."

I shook my head,"I'm nothing compared to the stars,"

"To me you are."

   There was many moments when I'd be lost at words when I was with Louis. He was different, I couldn't find a single word or even ten words to describe him. It was the feelings he gave me in the little hours we've known eachother. I may never see him again, I may forget this story some day, but right now it's happening. I feel free, and I feel wanted. He turned the radio on and turned it almost all the way up. She's got you high by  Mumm-Ra. I nodded in approval, within seconds we were both screaming the lyrcs at the top of our lungs,"She's got you high and you don't even know yet,

She's got you high and you don't even know yet,

The sun's in the sky, its warming up your bare legs,

You can't deny your looking for the sunset," 

We both broke into a laughter, his blue eyes met with brown ones, a smile formed on both of ours lips,"I like you, Alice."

"I like you too, Louis."

His smile grew with each word that left my mouth,"It's kinda crazy, huh?"

I nodded,"It definitely is."

"Where should I drop you off?" His eyes were now directed on the road.

I bit my lip, debating whether I should tell him to drop me off or keep driving me around, but I knew I had to go to school tomorrow,"Uh, just drop me off at Big Ben, I live right around the corner, not familiar with the name of my street, yet."

He simply nodded and before I could speak another word we were pulling up to the Big Ben. I smiled,"Thank you for today, I really did love it." I climbed out of the car and walked down the street towards my apartment I shared with my Mum. Headlights were still beaming behind me and I heard a car directly behind me, I turned to see who it was and it was still Louis. Soon his car was right next to me,"I just wanted to make sure you got inside."

"Well my house is right here," I smiled, climbing up the steps, turned around for one last goodbye, I waved and blew him a kiss. A snort of laughter left my lips when he acted like he caught it and put it in the pocket of his shirt. 

     The smile on my lips was far from fading when I entered the house. I ran up our apartment steps that led into our livingroom, I was squealing and dancing and singing a random tune. My Mum came rushing to see if I was alright, once she saw that I was smiling she crossed her arms,"Why so happy? You're usually grumpy."

"Well thanks mum," I laughed, and shrugged my shoulders,"It's nothing."

She shook her head,"It's a boy isn't it?" Amusement was cleari n her tone. Ever since my father left My mother and I have been extremely close and we're constantly talking about boys. She was only 15 when she had me so my mum was only 33. 

I nodded,"He's really great, Mum." A smile danced on her chapped lips as she nodded in approval. 

   "I'm really happy for you, Alice. So you won't be alone at school tomorrow?" She smiled even wider. School was never my favorite place. People didn't know me nor did they want to. At this point in my life, my senior year, I learned to accept it, but it didn't change how alone I felt. When I'd walk down the hallway and people would bump into me as if I didn't exist. 

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