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This book contains special memoirs from the last three Targaryen rules about the six consorts of the 5th King of Westeros, Viserys Targaryen. The time this memoir had been written is unknown, but the book had been published in the year 297, right before Maester Harquin published his second book; A Dance With The Dragons about the last three Targaryen rulers. This book had combined together by him and it is being used as a prequel to his book.

This book contains seven chapters;

.Chapter I; The Queen from The Vale, Aemma Arryn by her own daughter, Queen Rhaenyra I Targaryen

...The Lady Aemma Arryn had been sired by Rodrik Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Lord Paramount of the Vale and Warden of the East and birthed by Daella Targaryen, Princess of the Realm. She was King Viserys I's first wife and the longest marriage by twelve years. Mother of many miscarried and stillbirth children and the first Targaryen Queen, Rhaenyra. She was born in the Eyrie in the year 82 and died in the King's Landing during childbirth in 105. Her body got cremated by the dragon Syrax who bonded with her daughter, and then Princess Rhaenyra and her ashes were buried in the crypts in Dragonstone.

.Chapter II; The Green Queen, Alicent Hightower, the story of her rise by her own son, King Aegon II Targaryen


.Chapter III; The Queen in Chains, Alicent Hightower, the story of her fall by her own son, King Aegon II Targaryen

...The Lady Alicent Hightower had been sired by Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King (to Jaehaerys the Wise and Viserys the Womanizer) and birthed by Lady Deirdre Redwyne. She was King Viserys I's second wife (a marriage that lasted only three years) and the mother of his first son and heir, the future King, Aegon II. She was born in Oldtown in the year 88 and died in King's Landing by beheading in 109. Her body was buried in the Dragonpit at first but after he got ascended to the throne, King Aegon II cremated his mother with his dragon Sunfyre and buried her ashes in the Good Queen Alysanne's gardens.

.Chapter IV; The Sea Snake's Daughter, Laena Velaryon by her own daughter, Queen Baela I Targaryen

...The Lady Laena Velaryon had been sired by Corlys Velaryon, Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides, Master of Ships and birthed by Rhaenys Targaryen, Princess of the Realm. She was King Viserys I's third wife (a marriage that lasted only a year). Mother of the future Queen, Baela I. She was born in the Driftmark in the year 92 and died in the King's Landing during childbirth in 110. Her body was buried in the depths of the Sea as the Velaryon traditions ordered.

.Chapter V; The Lysene Spring, Larra Rogare by her beloved stepdaughter, Queen Rhaenyra I Targaryen

...The Lady Larra Rogare had been sired by Lysandro Rogare, the First Magister of Lys and birthed by Giselle of Pentos. She was King Viserys I's fourth wife and shortest marriage by only seven moons. The marriage had provided no heirs in any form and was soon annulled and the Princess was granted the title of the "King's Sister" and returned back to her home. Married again to a Lysene noble and had no children. She was born in Lys in the year 96 and died in Lys in 158. Her body was buried in the Rogare crypts in Lys.

.Chapter VI; The Dornish Viper, Aliandra Nymeros Martell by her beloved stepson, King Aegon I Targaryen

...Princess Aliandra Nymeros Martell had been sired by Qoren Nymeros Martell, Ruling Prince of Dorne and birthed by Lady Yelena Yronwood. She was King Viserys I's fifth wife (a marriage that lasted only two years). The marriage had provided no heirs in any form. She was born in the Sunspear in the year 92 and died in the King's Landing by beheading in 116. Her body was cremated and buried in the crypts in Sunspear.

.Chapter VII; The Storm Queen, Cassandra Baratheon by her beloved stepdaughter, Queen Baela I Targaryen

...The Lady Cassandra Baratheon had been sired by Borros Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End and the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and birthed by his first wife, the Lady Penelope Connington. She was King Viserys I's sixth and final wife (a marriage that lasted a decade and ended only when King Viserys died). The marriage had provided no heirs in any form and after King Viserys died, she married Lord Tyland Lannister, Master of Coin. She was born in Storm's End in the year 104 and died in Casterly Rock in the year 132 during childbirth. Her bones had returned to the Storm's End as her wish.

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