Croissants and waffles

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A\N: This is Neal comforting Sara the morning after a car repossession gone bad.

The smell of waffles and croissants wafting through the air is what rouses insurance investigator Sara Ellis up from her light slumber, the girlfriend of conman Neal Caffery, sits up and watches her boyfriend work in the kitchen. She can't believe he's up this early- 7:30- on a Saturday morning just to make her favourite breakfast just to make her feel better after last night.

"Morning, Repo." She hears her boyfriend calling her by her nickname he made just for her as he walks over to the bedroom with a tray of croissants, waffles and coffee, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before setting her breakfast down on the bedside beside her.

"Morning, you did not have to do this for me, you know." Sara tells Neal who just smiles and looks at her.

"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to, you were upset last night and I wanted to make you feel better." Her conman boyfriend explains to her as she starts eating her breakfast, laughing when Neal helps himself to a strawberry on one of her waffles.

"These waffles are really good, Neal." Sara says with a satisfied moan as she swallows a bite of waffle. Neal chuckles as he wipes a bit of strawberry sauce off her lip. "Thank you for doing this." Sara says softly, looking into Neal's bright blue eyes. Neal smiles softly at her and kisses her.

"Anything to make you happy." Neal says into the kiss before pulling away and taking Sara's finished breakfast tray into the kitchen.

Neal smiles as he watches the love of his life fall back to sleep curled up on his side of the bed.

He meant what he just told Sara, that he'd do anything to make her happy. 

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