Chapter 1 - Let loose, baby.

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Wilbur held his head high as he walked into his office, every head turning away, everyone's gaze focused on the desks in front of them. No one would dare risk meeting his eye. The thought made him smirk.

A smug smile crept across his face as his assistant met him to take his coat, ushering him into the private workspace, kept behind a door from the others in the room, so they could not bother him in his almighty perfection.
The young blonde shuffled awkwardly beside the door, hesitating to leave.

"Yes??" The brunette snapped. Quite literally. Snapping his fingers to get the boys attention.
"Sorry sir! Uhm, You got a...special invitation today... Its in the pile of letters." The boy glanced nervously at the pile, before saying his goodbyes and ducking out of the room.

'Weird' Wilbur mused, turning to the surprisingly large stack of mail in front of him.
He began to flick through it nonchalantly, Passing most of it off as junk, before a certain crest caught his eye.

An Ace of Spades with golden wings attached.

Mother-fricking Alex Quackity.

He took a deep breath, reciting a quick prayer to calm himself. And reached out for the letter. Boy oh boy what could it say.

Dear Mr. Wilbur Soot,

I understand you are quite the busy man, however, I would be pleased if you could make time in your schedule for a quick drink with me? I'm very interested in you and your work. If you share a similar interest in this exclusive invitation, come to the Nevadas Royale Casino at 10.30 pm tonight.

                      I do hope to see you there,
                                                    - Quackity

Wilbur scoffed. A drink and chat with a scumbag alcoholic? No, he didnt think so. He didnt drink. Drinking was against his gods' wishes. Casinos were places of sin.

And yet, his mind continued to crawl back to the invitation throughout his day. Nagging at him to go.
And so, at 10.00 pm he found himself in a black suit, walking down to the dirtier parts of the city to the grand Nevadas Royale Casino. A dark scowl tugged at his features, and he made sure his jagged heart necklace was as visible as it could be.
The casino was... Better than expected. It was grand. Very grand. Freshly painted, well cared for, looked expensive. He gulped down the lump in his throat and mumbled a prayer of forgiveness. He was about to enter a palace of sin. He was truly sorry.

He stepped inside, showing his I.D and the letter to the security guard, who then got someone to show him to where Quackity was waiting.
The smell of smoke was overpowering, and Wilbur coughed from inhaling it. However, he wasnt dumb. Of course he had known it would smell of smoke and drugs, so he brought a handkerchief up to his nose to block out the smell.

"Well well, you actually came. Thats a surprise." Chills ran down Wilburs spine at the voice, so deep and raspy. There was a hint of mockery in his tone, and a hint if something much more... Sinful.

The room was pretty. The furniture was all vintage, with plush red sofas. Quackity himself was laying down on a sofa, a glass of red wine in his hand. This was the first time Wilbur saw him in person, but by the gods was he different from the pictures. His left eye was gone from the...accident.. A few years back, but he had a golden fang replacing the damaged teeth. His hair was darker than the night sky, and sleeker than anyone elses he'd ever seen.

He looked like a king.

"Cat got your tongue? Sit down Wilbur, get comfortable. Its just you and me, and I dont care for formalities, so do whatever makes you happy." He waved around the glass, very nearly spilling the liquid all over himself. Wilbur made a face.

"Hm, I'll sit down, but I dont think i'll be getting comfortable. I value my dignity." He locked his jaw in a way he hoped seemed finalising and powerful. But stumbled when his efforts were met with an amused smirk.

"Oh, sweetie. I think you've already lost your dignity, no? Coming to the slums of the city to meet with a known scoundrel? To think you will have an ounce of self-respect by the end of tonight is laughable." He sat up straighter, setting his glass down the the table. "Save yourself the embarrassment and let go. Have a drink, smoke a cig, maybe lose the coat. Just don't continue acting like your any better than me. You'll quickly notice that youre very much under me in every way."

Wilbur was left speechless. And for the first time, he found himself reaching for a glass.

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