Chapter 3 - Sh, others may hear.

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A/N: Sorry for dying lol. Stuff kept getting deleted, and i'm trying to finish plotting my fantasy novel that I want to write.
I cannot guarrantee that the next chapter will be out soon, but we'll see.
Also, I apologise for the kiss scene, can you tell I dont write intimacy often? Anywho, enjoy!

The office was quiet, obviously. Normal work hours were done, it was now only the late night over-workers.

Heads turned as Wilbur walked in, his assistant, Tommy, running up to him.

"Sir?? I didnt expect you- do you want a cup of coffee? Or tea?" The blonde rambled, clearly scared of getting in trouble for not having things prepared. Wilbur held up a hand.

"No need, I just want to not be disturbed." He walked on, not even sparing a second glance to the poor boy.

He entered his office, his ears ringing and his heart pounding... Only to find-
Nothing. His office was the way it had been left. Nothing had changed. He rushed over to his desk to check his paperwork. Everything was fine.

He heart a low chuckle behind him, and swung around to see Quackity sat on his chair, lighting a cigarette.

"Evening, sweetheart." He flashed a smile, showing his golden tooth.

"What on earth is this?? You said you had done something to my office!??" Wilbur's anger grew as he made his way to the other man, raising his hand to seem like he would hit the man

Maybe he would.

"Ah, ah. Put that hand down, love. I never said I'd done anything to your office, I said you should be excited to see it tomorrow. I knew you'd come rushing out straight away."
It had been a trick. One elaborate trick to get him to show his face to the casino owner.

He had made a fool of himself.

He began to lower the raised hand, only for it to be grabbed and pulled forward.

He exclaimed in surprise as he fell down onto Quackitys chest, grunting with the force.

"Now, let's have our little date here as you were so clearly unwilling to have a peaceful one in the best fucking restaurant in town. I dont understand that, I was going to treat you to dinner at the most expensive place I could! Why on earth would you turn me down!?" He gave Wilbur no time to respond, lifting his chin roughly. The brunette pulled out of the strong grip, rubbing at his aching jaw.

"I dont like you, Quackity. I was having dinner with my parents." The casino owner scoffed, rolling hs eyes dramatically.

"Seriously? I dont like you either, Mr Goody-two-shoes! However I think we could both be good for eachother, see?" He blew smoke into Wilburs face, causing him to cough.

"I dont see how we could be 'good' for eachother. Youre the opposite of what I am."

"Thats where youre wrong, you and me are very alike. I can see it, and plenty of others can see. You shoukd hear what they say about you in my casino's." he snickered, taking another long drag of the cigerette.

"What- What do they say about me?" Wilbur asked, momentary worry crossing his mind.

"Oh, yknow. People talk about your looks and behavior. 'I'd fuck him if he wasnt such an uptight asshole!' 'Betcha he'd look good screaming my name instead of his gods'. That kinda talk, I heard it and was intruiged."

Wilbur blushed. Hard. People really thought that way about him? People really sat down and discussed how he'd be in bed?

Suddenly, a calloused thumb traced Wilburs lips, prying them open slightly.

"And I'd love to be the one to confirm what people think of you." Quackity smirked, silently asking for consent. Wilbur nodded hestitantly. In truth, he wanted to know how the infamous Alex Quackity tasted, what made him so dang appealing.

Quackity smiled at the nod, and leant in to kiss the man who had fallen to his knees during the exchange. The fucker was still tall enough that Quackity had little difficulty to kiss the him.

The kiss was deep, both men chasing something, wanting more from eachother. Wilburs lips were soft, and he allowed himself he guided by Quackity's much more dominant hold.

Eventually they pulled apart, panting heavily.

"Fuck. I didnt realise you were that good of a kisser." Quackity huffed, licking his lips.

"So, still up for that date...?" Wilbur looked away, his face red.

Quackity smirked.

"Of course, darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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