Chapter 2- A prayer a day keeps the emotions away

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A/N: sorry about the wait! Wattpad kept deleting my work and making me restart 😭 things will pick up from here though!

Disgust filled Wilbur as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He had broken all promises made to his gods, and had drank, smoked and cursed last night. He was a sinner. A filthy good-for-nothing rat. But he could make it right. He always could make it right.

He began by having a shower. One so hot it was actually painful to be under the water, but he stayed nonetheless, and scrubbed at every inch of his body until it was red and raw. When he was satisfied, he turned off the shower and dressed.
The next step in his ritual for forgiveness, was to go to his shrine. Located it the basement, (due to previous housemates he had since kicked out) it was probably the room that he visited most, apart from his bedroom and kitchen. He sat down infront of the paintings of The Lady Of Death and her Angel Of Death, and prayed. For hours. And hours. And hours. His mind going blank and his legs going numb, his throat went raspy and dry.
Only when he felt a familiar weight come down upon the room, a sudden warmth surrounding him, did he stop. That was his cue that he had been forgiven. He could rest.

Making his way upstairs was a tedious and painful endeavor, as the staircase was narrow and the steps were sharp, but he made it up, and sighed in relief. He vowed to never agree to meet Quackity again.

And that was when he got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Fancy dinner at [fancy restaurant name] tonight? 7.30 pm, dress formal, darling. -Q

Wilbur scowled, turning off his phone. Theres no way he would meet this scumbag for dinner. And this time, he would stand his ground.

Mumbling prayers of praise, he made himself a bowl of popcorn and gathered his fluffiest blankets. He'd keep his mind off the pretty casino owner by having a movie marathon. He just had one last thing to do before he could start.

He made his way back down to the shrine, carrying a certain hairbrush and necklace.

"Lady Death, I beg for you to be so kind as to join me in my humble mortal entertainment, And allow me to care and provide for you. Dearest Angel, I beg of you the same, I swear an oath of eternal misfortune to act as your lowly servant, if only you'd grace my human filth with your divine presence.."

The room became ice cold as the gods decided on their answer. Wilbur waited, his eyes scrunched closed in respect, (looking during formal prayer was an act of sin. He had no right to gaze upon beings so much better than him.) Then, after a minute of peace, warmth filled the room, and a flash of light announced the arrival of the two gods.

"Wilbur! Sweetie! How kind of you to ask us to join you! Oh, youre such a good boy!" The Lady grabbed his shoulders, a cue that Wilbur could relax and drop the formalities. It was nice to treat the gods like his parents. Even though they'd abandoned the idea of such a useless son so long ago.

The movie was boring. And Wilbur couldnt help but grow more and more intrigued by the constant vibrations from his phone of someone truing to call him. Eventually it all became too much.

"I have to take this call, its work related, haha-" he laughed awkwardly, backing out of the room whe hitting the answer button.

"Woww, you picked up, Soot! Didnt know you were capable of that."

Wilbur scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut up, Quackity. I never said i'd come to your stupid little dinner party." Quackity let out a short laugh, making Wilbur blush in embarassment.

"Really? Well, cunt, I hope you are excited to see your office tomorrow. You should know not to show me up. Theres a reason why i'm so famous even after the failed marriages." Wilburs heart sank.

"Maybe theres a reason your marriages all failed. What have you done to my office??" Quackity laughed and hung up, leaving Wilbur stunned. Not showing up to that date was a mistake.

(How had Quackity even gotten into his office??)

He checked the time. 5.43 pm. The office building didnt close until 9. He could go make sure everything was okay.

Wilbur sighed, he would have to cut his 'quality time' with good old mummy and daddy. Not like they'd care.

"Hey, uh. Kristen? Phil? Something has come up at work and I have to rush out there ASAP. I'm sorry-"
He looked up at the couch where his parents were sat, and stopped dead. They were gone, the TV still on, the popcorn left discarded on the floor, and the basement door left open. His heart sank further, tears welling up in his eyes. They had gone. They didnt care.

Spurred by anger, Wilbur dressed into his best clothes and started his too-expensive black car. He threw his head against the seat, and laughed with no real humour.

"Oh Alex Quackity. You better beg for my mercy." He smiled, flexing his fingers around the steering wheel.

And by the gods above and below, did Quackity need Wilburs mercy. Upsetting such a powerful man comes with consequences.

Unless youre an equally powerful man, with added heartbreak and malice.

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