Chapter 1

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Phoebe's POV:

I drove by the "Welcome to Mystic Falls" sign, to be welcomed by a very boring looking park which I could tell had the only interesting shops on the entire town and it make me think that I will be bored out of my mind 24/7.

I decided to go to the Salvatore Bording House aka where my brothers are staying. I can't wait to see their reaction, truth be told I missed them but there's no way in hell I'm letting them know that.

First thing I heared when I got to the house was my little brother, Stefan.

"I guess it's not as save as you guys thought, huh?" Then a guy around 40 years old knocked on the door and walked in, I guess he didn't see me but whatever

"There you are" says my older brother, Damon. I wonder who he and those two other people that are inside are, I wasn't able to see the two humans or whatever they we're but I could hear their heartbeat.

I decided not to wait any longer and make my entrence but when I got to the door I couldn't get in, and I know for a fact that Zach is dead, weird. Anyways, I knock on the door and wait for someone to open.

"Are we expecting anyone else?" asked a femele voice.

"No..." says Stefan.

The door opens to by brothers confused face

"Can we help you?" asked Damon, who was standing behind Stefan.

"Have I really chaged so much since 1945 that my own brothers won't recognize me? Also with the bloody hell can't I go in, I know Zach is dead so who in the love of god own the house?"

"Pheebs? Wh- What are you doing here?" Says Dames

"So... No hug? I'm hurt" I say while I grab my chest faking being hurt

Next thing I know I'm surrounded by my big brother arms, i had a fash back of him conforing me after father had beaten me because I looked to much like mother. And soon my baby bro joins the embrace.

"Come in" says the baby of the family

"I can't jackass" I responded

"oh yeah, one sec, Elena please invite her in" says hero hair

"Who is she?" says the copy of Katherine, huh, I guess the Petrova line didn't end with her, oh shit, that means that Nik is coming here at one point. Well probably not, I mean surely I'm lone gone by then.

"I'm Phoebe, Phoebe Salvatore, aka, their sis, aka, the hot middle child. " I intoduce myself while I wink at her in a humour way.

" Oh, then sure, come in" says clearly embarrassed because there was clearly a tone of jealousy in the previous question.

"Thanks, so, What are my brothers, a doppelganger, a witch and a 40 year old guy doing together?" I say while noticing that the old guy is staring at me like a perv.

"We are plotting who to kill this guy who supposedly is one of the first vampires and wants to kill Elena."

"Please tell me he's name is not Klaus.." while praying in my mind it's not Nik who their talking about.

"yeah it is, who'd you know?Do you know him?"

"No, just heard of him" I lied, I wish I could run but I can't tell my brothers my past and I can't most defenetly can not leave them here wsith Klaus on their own.

Loved by a Mikaelson - Phoebe Salvatore  & Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now