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Flower was getting ready for bed, she brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, ah what a fashion queen I me- forget that
Flower: uhhhh.... I'm so tired ahdjshsksbahsba... The fashion queen need her beauty sleep!
There we go, sleep tight flower. The nightmare started let's see...
Flower: uh.. Ah-! W-where am I??? Maybe I'm in a dream... But everything looks creepy... Maybe i-its a nightmare!!
She walked around for a bit until she heard a whisper and she saw a dark black shadow
Whisper: I will get you...
Flower: w-what?! Where the petals sake are you!!...
She falled into a dark pit... Leading her to wake up
Flower: AH-! huh..?? I-im in my room now..
A shadow appeared again,the shadow was getting closer to flower. flower shakes in fear begging it to go
Flower: wait wait!! Please go! Please sobs p-
The shadow disappeared... I guess flower was a bit to... Scared.. Lollipop heard the crying so she got to her room
Flower: what..?! The shadow disappeared! I-
Lollipop: what happened flower?
Flower: did you see the shadow too?!
Lollipop : no..? I think you had a nightmare, it's okay, no need to cry :)
Flower hugged lollipop crying in fear, she was definitely horrified lol
Flower: cries ahhuu!!!! I'm scared lolly..!!
lollipop: it's okay..! Stay calm, shh.. Why don't we make some Christmas cookies?
Flower: sobs i-i guess... Sure
HI! Yup first chapter!! Wait wait lemme just...
Flower and lollipop goes to the kitchen making cookies T.B.C....
done! Uh... Okay buh-bye!

Flower's nightmares (bfdi)Where stories live. Discover now