The cave

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Lollipop: hey flowey
Flower: what?
Lollipop: do you want me to sleep with you? You keep having nightmares
Flower: sure..
Flower went to sleep first while lollipop is still playing on her phone
The nightmare- what?! Why do you keep- uhhm.... It started
She waked up in a cave, her hand still holding the sword
Flower: uhh.... Abahhau-! Where am I?
Flower: it looks like I'm in a cave...
She went to explore for 1 hour to find out she was..
Flower: where's the... Wait wait wait.. Am I lost?!
Flower: oh no no no no no...!
She got to a corner and cried
Flower: ahbuuuuhu!!! If o-only lollipop w-was here..
Some chips fall out of nowhere, idk why I'm the narrator. I'm not the one who's in the cave
Flower: h-huh..? Chips?
She opened the chips and well there was spiders
Flower! You were not supposed to say that!!
Wait oh yeah she can't hear me..
The spiders got off of her
She waked up
Lollipop: did you have a nightmare?
Flower: well...
Lollipop: I heard you cry in the middle of the night
Flower: uhh... Yes I did
Lollipop: we can cuddle
Flower: n-no! You little-
Lollipop pushed her to cuddle her
Lollipop: you feeling comfortable, sweetie?
Flower: did you just call me-! Uh... Yes..
Lollipop: good : )
Okay tbh the narrator is kinda funny lol
Narrator: really? Thanks!
I'm so glad I hired you!
Okay anyways bye guysss!! <3

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