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Flower just got home from work, she had a night shift today. She was very tired like VERY tired
Flower: ughhh.... I'm so tired
Lollipop: don't worry flower all you need to do is just shower then you can go to sleep! Alright?
Flower: alright..
Flower showered but after her shower she falled to the bed
Lollipop: I know flowey, just go to sleep!
Flower: okay okay..
Once again the nightmare started
Flower: ugh.. Oh I' a shelter? It looks like a shelter!
She was right it was a shelter!
Flower: is my weapon still here? Oh it is
Flower was hungry like she was STARVING!
flower : I'm starving..
Sorry guys! I'm kinda lazy to finish this sooo I'll make a part 2 of shelter! Byee!

Flower's nightmares (bfdi)Where stories live. Discover now