"Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you."

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**NOTE: During the writing of this, I remembered that there is such a thing as a blood meal. It's a plant food that is said to be pretty good for roses. And yes, it really is made from blood.

Jotaro lay on the bed unable to do much more than sleep and moan in pain. His breathing had become horribly shallow. The vines had grown so plentiful that they all but replaced his entrails. Every breath he took caused him excruciating pain as his lungs would press into the thorns that surrounded them. The plant had grown to a worrying size. Jotaro had also lost his ability to see. The vines had begun to expand past the inside of his body to the point that they had actually pushed his eyes completely out of their sockets.

There was a bright side to all this though. For one thing, he stopped having nightmares and started dreaming of thick, heavily perfumed jungles where he lived with you in domestic bliss. There was no one around to bother you two, and no one around to try to take you away from him. No threats, no enemy Stand users, nothing to keep you apart. And the best part is, you actually loved him. You wanted to be by his side. Jotaro had already experienced Hell in that dream with DIO, but this had to be Heaven.

The other consolation he had was that this agony would be over soon. Both the pain of the plant taking over his body and the pain of not being the one you loved wouldn't matter anymore. He was certainly on his last legs now and would fortunately be dead soon. Jotaro wanted nothing more now than to just hurry up and die. He had never felt more helpless and miserable than he did now and he just wanted it to end.

Star Platinum was just as attentive as always, keeping him clean and hydrated... and fed. The first few times Star tried to feed him from the thermos, Jotaro resisted. He tried pushing the thermos away, not wanting anything to do with it now that he knew what was in it. But he was too weak to put up much of a fight when Star Platinum forcefully put the thermos to his lips and all but drowned him in its contents. Once he got a taste of the blood, Jotaro wouldn't resist anymore and would drink with a ravenous fervor. He would let the euphoric feeling overtake him and allow himself to sleep, just so he could once again dream of you.

Star Platinum had dragged the captive into the room with Jotaro so that he wouldn't have to go far to feed his user. The captive had grown so pale and frail that Star knew that this final feeding would be it for him. Sure enough, once the Stand filled the thermos the captive breathed his last. Now Star would just have to carry the body to the incinerator...

Suddenly, the vines that grew from Jotaro's eye sockets began to slither towards the body. They jabbed themselves into the corpse and began to drain the remaining fluids from the body, reducing it to a mummified husk. Well, that made disposing of it that much easier. Now it would be easier to dismember it without making such a mess and put it in a trash bag before incinerating it. He still would have to avoid being "seen". A floating trash bag of human remains making its way downstairs to incinerate itself was bound to draw unwanted attention.

As Star Platinum began to deal with the corpse, he noticed small red buds beginning to form on the vines. He stopped what he was doing to watch as the buds began to unfold into blood red roses. The vines were blooming! Finally! It was time! The Stand quickly disposed of the body, being careful to stay out of sight of anyone roaming the dorm. Fortunately, the dorm was mostly empty this time of day. Everyone was either in classes or remaining in their own rooms. He dumped the body into the incinerator and headed back up to check on Jotaro. To his horror some of the vines had burst through Jotaro's stomach and chest. Fortunately Jotaro was still under the influence of the pheromone so he was unable to feel anything, otherwise that would hurt like hell. Star Platinum checked his user over to make sure he wasn't in any danger from this new development. He wasn't bleeding much. The wounds made from the vines were already healing and didn't seem to be fatal. Though if Star didn't act quickly, the plant would tear its way out of Jotaro's body, killing itself, Jotaro, and himself as well.

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