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NOTE: Really not a fan of how this turned out. A lot of these ideas sounded better in my head than they did typed out.

"She who loves roses must be patient and not cry out when she is pierced by thorns."


Joseph reread the report from the Speedwagon Foundation for what seemed like the hundredth time. The strange plant that had taken over his grandson's body had been identified as a highly mutated variant of a Don Juan climbing rose. While most red climbers weren't very fragrant if at all, Don Juan roses were known for being especially highly scented. This particular variation of the rose was so fragrant as to be overpowering. Its scent was laced with pheromones that had a drug-like effect on all that breathed it in. That had been the reason everyone at the university had been acting so strangely. Don Juan roses were also known for being very thorny, a fact that poor Jotaro knew all too well.

After extracting Jotaro from his dorm, The Foundation made it a point to spread the story that an accident in one of the chemistry labs had been the cause of the strange smell that got everybody high. No one questioned the explanation, but many people questioned the absence of Jotaro. The official story was that he'd gotten sick from the chemicals and had to be hospitalized.

The Foundation scientists had taken many samples of the plant and made some very startling discoveries. Somehow, the plant's DNA and Jotaro's DNA had become fused together. Mixed into Jotaro's skin cells was plant matter and mixed into the plant's chlorophyll was Jotaro's blood. The plant and Jotaro had become one and the same.

Then, there was the shocking discovery of another human inside of the squirming cluster of vines that all but cocooned Jotaro. Joseph recognized the person as a classmate and friend of Jotaro's. The young man had mentioned them from time to time and seemed particularly fond of them. Joseph remembered finding that odd, as Jotaro never seemed to have much interest in making friends before. He speculated that his friend had tried to free Jotaro from the vines only to get attacked and pulled in. It was strange though, while the vines had drained all the blood out of anyone else that went to the dorm, Jotaro's friend received an arguably worse treatment.

X-Rays and CAT scans showed that their chest cavity had been emptied of internal organs and Jotaro's own organs had somehow overgrown his own body and quite literally taken root inside of them. Jotaro was keeping his friend alive with his own heart, lungs, stomach, and digestive tract (which had become more of a fleshy root system than actual intestines). The thought of it sickened Joseph to the point that he almost vomited in front of the scientists when they told him about it.

The Foundation did a lot of studies and came to a lot of conclusions, but nothing they learned was actually helpful. Joseph only wanted to know one thing, and that was whether or not Jotaro could be helped. How had something like this happened to his grandson and how could it be fixed? Anytime he asked these questions he was always met with the same answers. No one could tell him why this was happening to Jotaro and it was impossible to reverse the changes that had happened to him. The plant was a part of Jotaro and killing it meant killing not only Jotaro, but his friend as well. There was nothing that could be done to turn Jotaro back to normal. The only thing they could do was keep him in a specialized room within the foundation for the rest of his life. There, they could make sure the vines didn't attack anyone and the pheromones didn't cause problems to the public.

This wasn't the answer Joseph wanted. Nearly all his life, whenever people told him something was impossible, Joseph would find a way to win. Vampires, Insane gods, Stand users, etc. Life threw a lot of strange things at him and he overcame all of it. This was different. His grandson had become some kind of weird human/plant hybrid and there wasn't anything he could do about it. He couldn't save him. No one could. No amount of Hamon power, Stand power, or trickster ingenuity could help him win this time. The realization of this sent Joseph into a rage and he nearly destroyed the lab (before his back gave out). The scientists had been kind enough not to call security on him.

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