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  The small bell above the café door rang as the invited guests arrived. Though the café wasn't due to be opened for another couple hours yet—not per usual, but was planned that morning—the entry door was left unlocked for them while the "Were Open" sign was darkened. Toriel looked about, only spotting a bright-eyed-looking Annie sitting quietly in her high chair, which had been set up beside one of the larger, round tables, and Carl watching her from atop said table. "Hi, guys!" Chica called out in greeting, as she came out from the kitchen in the back—holding some saran wrapped dough. Frisk gave a small wave hello. "Hi, Mrs. Fazbear!"

"Good morning, Chica." Toriel also greeted, along with a nod. Frisk then showed the flowerpot in her hands, in which sat an only slightly grumpy looking yellow flower. "I brought Flowey with us, if that's okay, Mrs. Fazbear." She explained. Smiling, Chica gave a nod of approval. "It's no problem. Hello, Flowey." Flowey smiled briefly as Frisk set him down on the table. "Howdy." He said simply in return. The flower then noticed Carl looking at him curiously. "Hello, there."

"Hey." Flower answered. Chica looked at the two curiously, but was pulled from her intrigued thoughts by Toriel saying, "I see you've already gone ahead an made the cookie dough?" Chica hummed, looking at the two balls of dough she was still holding. "Oh! Yes, I did." She answered. Putting the dough on the table, Chica began undoing the saran wrap on one. "Can you unwrap the other one please, Frisk?"

"Yup!" Frisk said happily, going about unwrapping the second ball of dough. Once the plastic was removed from the dough, Toriel collected it and went to toss it in the garbage. "Toriel," Chica began. "Can you grab the baking sheets, rolls and cutters from the kitchen? They're stacked on top of each other." The goat monster nodded. "Of course." Toriel said, as she then disappeared into the back for a moment. "So, how many cookies are we gonna be making?"

"Well," Chica began. She then hummed thoughtfully, as she pulled off a small piece of cookie dough to let Annie taste. "A few of these cookies are going to be gifts for my family and friends." Frisk nodded. "And a lot of them are going to be set aside for Christmas Day." Chica added. "Cool!" Frisk said. "And actually," Chica continued, giving her daughter a small 'boop' on her little nose. "I'd like you and Toriel to decorate more of the ones for the community." She explained just as Toriel returned with the items from the kitchen. "We'd be delighted to do so." She said gladly, setting the supplies on the clear end of the table.

Rolling up her blue and stripped sweater's sleeves up to her elbows, Frisk looked over both balls of dough. "What do we do first, Mrs. Fazbear?" The girl asked. Chica picked her ball up, and began tearing it into pieces. "We've got to knead the dough a bit first so it's easier to work with—since it's been in the fridge overnight." She explained, giving a handful of dough to Frisk. "Knead the dough, got it." Toriel took her own bit of the dough, and the three of them began kneading the dough.

By the time Chica and Toriel had finished nearly the first half of the cookie dough, Frisk was barely on her fourth handful. She wasn't asking for help, and was simply trying to do her best. "Oh, my child," Pausing, Frisk looked at her 'goat mom'. "Are you having difficulty?" Chica seemed to also notice this. "Uh, no, it's okay!" Shaking her head a little, Chica thought of an idea. She set down the dough in her hands. "Here, how about this," Then, she picked up the rolling pin and a few of the cookie cutters. "You roll out the dough we knead, and Carl will cut out the shapes."

"Oh, yeah, that sounds easier." Frisk commented with a slight giggle. She took the pin from Chica, and Carl slid the cutters over to himself. Flowey seemed to be eyeing the cutters. "Flowey, you can cut the cookies too, can't you?" Frisk wondered. The flower looked at her and blinked. He pondered it a moment, before a leafy 'arm' reached out to handle a star shaped cutter. Flowey hummed. "Sure."

Freedom AU Christmas Collection 2022 [FNAF/UT]Where stories live. Discover now