Not funny and Im serious.. Nvm it kinda is (another Norman x Reader)

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Y/n - "You know what I just thought..."

Emma - "What?"

Ray - "Oh god.."

Norman - "Yes y/n?"

Y/n - "If we ever get shipped out and die...we die Virgins.."

Emma - "Oh.."

Ray - "What the actual fuck Y/n.."

Norman - "my god y/n.."

Ray - "You're lucky I'm not telling mom what you said.."

Y/n was just confused, same with Emma and Norman, they had to take that information in..


Norman - "Y/n! You won't die a Virgin! We'll get out to the human world so once you're older you won't be a Virgin!!"

Y/n had just hugged Norman and thanked him for reassuring her

Y/n - "Exactly why you're my favorite Norman!"

Y/n had kissed Normans Cheek and just layed her head on his shoulder. Norman was a blushing mess.

Ray/ Norman x Reader / Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now