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Okay, so first off.

Before you read this, I will be ranting about how people treat Lia and Zoey from The Music Freaks.

And I will be telling you that, Zoey is not a good person to stan and to defend over her actions.

Zoey? Who is Zoey?

Zoey is Drew's girlfriend, but little did everyone know that Zoey has a lot of secrets and Drew didn't know that.

In episode 2, Liam confirmed that Zoey is a gold-digger.

Gold-digger means when someone is only using a person for money.

In episode 3, Zoey stole Milly's diary and read it (only because Milly left her diary in her desk) without permission to find out who her crush is and misgendered Milly as a trap.

In the song 'Redemption', where Zoey, Lia, and Milly were in the bathroom to tease Milly and we all can see that Zoey is satisfied for what she is doing to Milly but in the back, we can see that Lia is feeling bad about it and that she wanted to help Milly out but she can't because of Zoey.

Jake doesn't have the right to blackmailed her, yes, but he only did it to get Milly's diary back to stop her from fighting but what I didn't like about what he said about Zoey pissed me off.

Jake mentioned he saw her in a mall, with another guy.

And the fact that the guy is way older than her.

And that is cheating.

In episode 9, Zoey assumed that Daisy and Sean are on a date to make Jake jealous of Sean just because she saw them (and Lia) together but only because Sean was trying to cheer up Daisy after having a fight with her mom.

In the part one of episode 10, it's confirmed that Zoey is the reason why Jake got exposed from the music club and all the bad things he have said about them but he really didn't mean it and only because Lia helped her to get him exposed to get revenge from him when Jake blackmailed her but Lia regret for what she did and she apologized for it.

But at the end of episode 10, Zoey exposed Jake with the audio with an anonymous account because she is still not over it.

And what I didn't like about the fandom is because they think Lia is so boring now because of her redemption.

And she deserved it.

Zoey stans are annoying, saying that Zoey is way better than Lia and she didn't lose her charm in order for a redemption.

And that is the stupidest reason I have ever heard.

Zoey is worst than Lia, she is a bad person.

Yes, I know Lia does bad things too, but she regret all the bad things she did and she regret that she become a jerk.

But Zoey, Zoey is too careless to regret for all the bad things she has done to Jake.


If you think Zoey is way better than Lia.

If you think Lia doesn't deserve the redemption.

If you think Lia is so boring now because of her redemption.

If you think Zoey is a girl-boss.

Please kindly get the fuck out of my page.

Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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