Chapter 15 - Not Too Late

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The Mavis clones tried to spring at them, but they were easily knocked over.

Hordes of them flew up into the air as Dracula and Mavis barreled through, and then landed one on top of the other in a sort of teetering tower that keeled over. The rest of the awful doppelgangers closed in, but Mavis and Drac leapt triumphantly over their heads and up to the stone pillar with the gem. The vampire ripped it from its place, and it pulsated to life upon touch. The Mavis clones beneath shrieked in anger, and then something else began to happen. It started out with one of them at first, when a brilliant light began shining through from her black-nailed fingertips, up her arms, and then throughout her entire body. She became translucent, and then vanished entirely with a poof! And the very same thing was happening to the other evil clones.




One by one, they all crumbled to dust, their only remnants being a couple of black ashes on the ground. Drac's friends noticed too.

"Woo-hoo! They're gone!" Murray cheered, speaking for all of them.

But the victory was short-lived. Everyone suddenly remembered the ferocious monster that was Ericka outside the cave when she roared powerfully. A fist against the cave wall crumbled more of the back wall, the morning sun blaring through. A ray caught Drac on the shoulder, and he fell from the air with a cry, taking Mavis and the Monsterfication Ray to the ground with him. But, despite the setback, Dracula was not about to give up on his wife. He clutched the ray in his hands and set off towards her.

"Dad, no, don't! Let me!" Mavis cried, but it was too late.

"No! I have to do this!" Drac insisted. "Ericka saved me once, now it's time I repay her the favor!"

The determined vampire bolted through as the wall that separated the Crystal Cave from the outdoors was starting to become no more. More rays of sunlight streamed through, each one striking Drac on his exposed skin, causing him to wince and gasp out loudly in pain. His body was smoking, brilliant red welts forming from where the beams touched his pale flesh. But none of that mattered, Drac knew he could handle it. He just had to get to her.

Just a little farther...

As Drac pushed himself forward, Ericka let out another rage-driven smash against the cavern wall, causing it to fall away completely this time. The sun, once bringing warmth and safety to Mavis, mercilessly bore down all its power upon the Count.

And Dracula just couldn't take it anymore.

He fell to his knees, the ray clattering to the ground in front of him as he tried to shield himself, allowing his hands to take the brunt of the burning as he placed them over his head. He was to burn to a crisp, a failure, as his wife would succumb to the monstrous virus that had overtaken her system.

But just as he thought all hope was lost, a great looming shadow fell over him. He opened his eyes, and saw Frank!

"I saw you get burnt once," the Stein said, referring to the time Drac had flown out to go get Johnny from Air Transylvania. "And I'm not about to let it happen again!"

Drac smiled gratefully up at his friend, and got his confidence back. Using his vampire vision, he quickly scanned the cave, and found a great stone ledge where he could mount himself upon to get just the right aim at Ericka. He pointed it out to Frank. "There!" he said. "I need to get up there!"

"No problem, Drac! We've got you covered!" Frank ran alongside the vampire, using his hulking shadow to protect his friend.

Eunice noticed what her husband was doing, and called order to the other humans and monsters around her. "Hey! What the heck are we standing around here for? We gotta help Drac! Go, go, go!"

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