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I have greatly desired to walk on human legs,

And push, pull and hold with human arms,

To walk upon myself and feel the sweet coldness of my floors kissing my Nike soles,

Instead of being trampled on.

I want to be part of the occasional crowd gathering in my arms,

And talk with a mouth that can be heard,

I want to stroll through my doorways with friends and family,

I want to be human, I want to her the "I", "you", "me".

To see the world, to live in a house, to take a daily trip to work,

To watch the latest 'block-busters', to dress in the 'latest rends,'

But I shall remain dignified upon Maiden Lane,

Wonder of the concrete jungle.

Humanity, it seems to me, is a flame you cannot extinguish,

A circle of iron- it can be dented but not broken,

It has barriers so high...

You cannot reach the summits.

O, my dreams could ignite the vapour of my thoughts,

The curiosity, the unpredictable, the fascination- it motivates me!

Humans, you inspire me and oblige me to ponder on unnecessary things,

And O, how I wish to be you!

You are tumultuous, yet compassionate,

You can be cruel, yet brimming with humour,

You can adorn yourselves with outrage,

Yet be scared somehow.

I cannot comprehend humans.

Humans are strange.


A/N: in case you're wondering, you know Shakespeare's Globe? This is from the globes POV.

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