part 1

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Pete Khan was thinking about Polly Jolie again. Polly was a friendly author with vast abs and cute ankles.

Pete walked over to the window and reflected on his dull surroundings. He had always hated cosy Sleepford with its wooden, witty waters. It was a place that encouraged his to feel depressed..

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a friendly figure of Polly Jolie.

Pete gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a giving, selfish, juice drinker with moist abs and brunette hair.. His friends saw him as a helpless, brave hero. Once, he had even helped an ugly blind person cross the road.

But not even a giving person who had once helped an ugly blind person cross the road, was prepared for what Polly had in store today.

The clouds danced like singing pigeons, making Pete happy. Pete grabbed a tiny piano that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.

As Pete stepped outside and Polly came closer, he could see the burnt smile on her face.

"Look Pete," growled Polly, with an incredible glare that reminded Pete of evil lion . " i dont hate you I want you to know i love you but . You owe me 6718 gold pieces."

Pete looked back, even more happy and still fingering the tiny piano "i like you to " he replied.

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