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Dust woke up from his bed, last thing he remembered was nodding off while speaking to Horror. However he remembered falling asleep while sitting up and leaning against the wall but he had been laid down and tucked in.

Perhaps Horror properly put him to sleep. The blankets were comfortable and very soft, very different the cold floor he was used to. Well really snow, he didn't care to go inside to sleep anymore and he didn't really sleep much anyways.

Now all he wanted to do was go back under the covers and sleep, I mean he was able to but it most likely would be for the better if he didn't.

He stumbled out of bed and refocused himself on keeping himself up. He was light headed and couldn't really stand very well nor properly.

It was probably the effects of not eating for a while.

He steadied himself before heading to the Living room down the stairs. He walked into the room and sat on the couch.

He brought his legs to his chest and hugged them close, trying to take up as little room as possible.

Killer plopped onto the couch next to him taking up most of the space, Horror then walked in and tried his best to find space for himself.

"Move your ass Killer..." "Sorry no can do Rorry!!" "...I told you to... Stop calling me that..." "No it's fun seeing ya reaction!"

Dust sighed and scooted a little more to the side as to no intrude. Killer noticed this and sat up and leaned onto Dusts side.

"Whatchu doin' Dusty?" Horror sighed and took a normal seat on the couch leaving enough room for one more person. Dust hummed. "Nothin'." His voice just as hoarse as the first time they spoke.

Killer grinned at him and rested his arm around his shoulder, "boss said we don't got our first mission 'till Friday so howzabout we hang out for a while?" Dust both shrunk in his spot while his face lit up a bit.

"Uh- sure I guess.." Killers grin turned from emotionless to meaningful almost. This made Dust a little more comfortable with the situation.

Killer got off the couch and brought Dust up with him, he grabbed onto Dusts upper arm and teleported the two to a room with weights, other exercise gear, weapons, and a plush area to train at. It must be their training room.

Killer pulled out his knife from his sleeve and stood in a strong stance. "Welcome to the training room kid! Here we basically just train, it's in the name. I wanna see your fighting skills."

Dust swallowed down a deep feeling if anxiety in his throat down, he heard voices, none that he hasn't heard before. Chanting hateful talk at him, "you're not good enough" "weak" "you'll die" "you should kill him".

He brought his arm up to his mouth and bit hard to keep the thoughts out bringing Killer to look at him with worriedful curiosity. He walked up and put a hand on Dust head and rubbed it slightly. "You good there bud?"

Dust looked up and let go of his hand, then taking a deep breath. "Sorry... Just some.. Bad thoughts..." Killers worry soon turned to pity as he looked at the skeleton. "Hey bud, I'm sure you're good at fighting I mean- you're strong and ya did kinda kill the human which means you've gotta be worth sumthin for strength."

Dust nodded. "Yeah.. thanks." Killer then changed the topic. "Alright kid, what weapon do ya use? Knives? Are you fancy like Criss-Cross and use swords? Or use good old fashioned magic?" Dust stood still before straightening up his posture. "Magic."

"Alrighty, works for me!" He walked backwards and got himself in a fighting stance. Dust took one step back and put his hands in his pocket.

[Excuse the bad battle writing, I am unable to write battles very well]

A Final Sickness/Dusty Clothes (Dustmare Ship)Where stories live. Discover now