Ⅰ. Nice meeting you 🤝

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The guards had been waiting for the hunter as he enters the palace, looking around and admire everything, but that's not his mission. His mission was to protect the prince at all cost. He sees the king and queen along with their son waiting for him. He only did a simple nod and bow. "My king, my queen, my prince." The hunter said. "We are so happy to see you coming and volunteer to protect our son from the demons that are in his head. As you may be aware, I'm afraid he won't spend his Christmas time with us..." The king looks down, but soon smiles. "But you could accompany him and his darkest times. All I'm asking is that you must get rid of that demon that's inside of him. Bring him alive and you will receive an award. Fail to do that and return him with a hideous corpse, you shall be punished! Understand?"

"Yes my king. I will protect your son from demons, I promise." Moon closed his eyes, putting one hand on his chest to where the heart is located. The prince studied his body and looks and it seems that the hunter looks serious. Guess he can no longer play. "My my what a fine man. You seem like a kind of person who will be willing to take sacrifice." Sun's mother said. "My queen, it is my pleasure to protect your handsome son. After all, if he is alone in the holidays, that won't happen. I'll be there. He can spend time with me anyway."

Sun blushed and felt like he was already in love with his serious hunter. "Really? You mean it??" His brother, Eclipse was surprised and nudge him. "Oooh you gonna get a mistletoe kiss~"

"Stop it brother!" Sun blushed even more in which the hunter finds it cute. "Come on now my prince, I think it's time for you to leave the palace. Say goodbye to your family." Moon said. Sun sighs and hug his brother first. "I'll miss you brother. It's been a pleasure to be with you and the family. I'll miss you all so much." His parents also hugged him but his mother was too afraid to let him go. "No Sun. I can't lose you! I can't lose my children!"

"It's okay mother. I'll be okay. Remember he's my knight and if there's a demon coming after me, he'll stop them." He hopes that Moon blush but all he did was a simple Hmph. Guess he's gonna be hard to get Sun thought as he let go from the hug and went to Moon. "I am ready to leave sir."

"Moon. Call me Moon~" Okay that tone is making Sun falling for him even more. His accent was y/c (your choice). "My prince, I think it's time for you to move out and live with me." Moon said. "Already?? Well we just met and I don't want to rush our relationship-"

"Relationship?! Sweet prince that's not what I'm saying. What I mean is that you are going to stay with me for the rest of the holidays. You won't see your parents remember? I know you're upset but I'm here. I could make bread? I'm a baker." He grins. That face... What a lovely gentleman. Sun was blushing crazy and instantly held his hand. "Sorry! I only want to hold your hand B-Because... I feel safe." He nuzzles him and Moon finds it weird. "Okay? To the market. First, you need to change and so do I." The prince nods and followed his hunter out of the palace as he carries his stuff and straps them on his horse. "Nightlight, this is Sun. He's staying with-"

"Aww what a nice horse you have! Has he ever been on a competition??" Sun said happily as he strokes the head, making the animal happy. Moon respond by closing his eyes and shook his head. "No, but he's helpful. He's also strong." He climbs on once he was finished packing the bags on the horse and held his hand out. "Climb on my prince."

"Sun, call me Sun." The prince smiled as he accept the gesture, climbs on and was behind his hunter. Honestly, he felt like he wants to kiss him, but he knows the way he look and act. He sure is a serious man who doesn't like to have his time taken and that is no good.

Minutes passed and the trail was silent. Sun had laid his head against Moon's shoulder and closed his eyes and begins to hum. His arms were wrapped around him as he thought about happy stuff. "Sun, could you move your hand somewhere else?" Moon ask with boredom in his voice. "Somewhere else? What do you mean?" He was confused and lost. Did I do something to upset him??? Sun thought as his eyes twitches and felt a negative emotion... Sadness.

To Protect The Prince Where stories live. Discover now