Cold Brews and Kissing You

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Zhuzhi-Lang slowly woke up, cracking open his right eye and looking over to his boyfriend's sleeping face. Sighing at the sight, he closed his eyes and snuggled closer, content to stay in bed.

Even though his classes were in the afternoon for this exact reason, Zhuzhi-Lang was dragged out of bed every morning by Gongyi Xiao's horrible alarm, so when he took in the sight of a sleeping Gongyi Xiao, he was quick to take the chance to sleep in a little.

As Zhuzhi-Lang started to fall back asleep, he felt his body become heavier, his breathing slowed back to an even and deep pace.

Unfortunately, his boyfriend had woken up at that moment, and had decided for him that it was necessary to get out of bed.He was only allowed a moment of having his hair being stroked when Zhuzhi-Lang felt a small tug on his hair. He frowned and was promptly pulled up by Gongyi Xiao.

"Ughhh." Zhuzhi-Lang moaned and tried to pull Gongyi Xiao back down, only to be lifted on Gongyi Xiao's lap. Zhuzhi-Lang gave small snake-like licks to Gongyi Xiao's neck, who only chuckled quietly.

"Aiyo, you're just like a snake, wrapping around me like this." You could hear the smile in his voice, and Zhuzhi-Lang huffed at it and pouted, his bottom lip brushing against Gongyi Xiao's nape.

Picking his boyfriend up, Gongyi Xiao made their way into the bathroom, and made quick work of undressing them for a shower. While Zhuzhi-Lang slowly unstuck himself from Gongyi Xiao, he had started to wake up more and slowly moved his body under the stream of water, uncaring whether his hair got wet. Gongyi Xiao wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer; Zhuzhi-Lang turned and tilted his head for a kiss.

When they got out of the shower, Zhuzhi-Lang quickly braided his hair, earning a small tsk form Gongyi Xiao.

"You have to let your hair dry first." 

"Like you would know." Zhuzhi-Lang ruffled his boyfriend's short hair and turned to kiss him softly on the mouth as Gongyi Xiao wrapped his hands around Zhuzhi-Lang's hips, causing the both of them to smile against each other's mouths.

Pulling away, Gongyi Xiao, "Walk me to my class, hm? You're already awake so just come with me." Gongyi Xiao had a small smile on his face and looked so sweet it forced back any complaints Zhuzhi-Lang might have had about waking up this early. He smiled back at his beautiful boyfriend and turned towards the door with him, grabbing his school bag.

They walked out the door hand in hand.


After walking Gongyi Xiao to his first class, Zhuzhi-Lang decided to go to the library on campus. He opened his laptop to work after settling at one of the tables and noticed some messages from his uncle.

-Zhuzhi-Lang, If one were apart of the omegaverse, where would a 'scent gland' reside?

Zhuzhi-Lang should be payed for this.

If I remember correctly, the neck.

-I understand, now help me with my son's old teacher, he refuses to admit to his feelings towards Binghe and because you never went after him, he remains up for grabs.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't know how to help with that; mister Shen isn't close to me.

-Just get him to kiss Binghe in the least, the kid isn't shutting up
Zhuzhi-Lang sighed and prepared to hold off on his work. He would ignore it at this point if it were anyone else, but Tianlang-Jun had saved his life, and would become an increasing problem if he wasn't dealt with. He quickly typed out a response, indulging in the conversation for a couple of minutes before closing the chat and opening up an unfinished assignment.

Cold Brews and Kissing You (GongZhi)Where stories live. Discover now