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"We're not letting you go." Louis made that clear. "Stop being dads!" You whined. "I'm your age anyway." "That doesn't mean anything, you're not going." Harry stared hard at you, and you stared back, heart beat getting faster because his eyes were beautiful. "If looks could kill, who do you think would be dead?" "Probably Harry." "No, [Y/N]." "[Y/N], no doubt." "No, Harry will be down first." Louis walked in front of you and you huffed. "No." "Why?" "Because, it's a college party [Y/N]." "I'm in college Louis. It's my college. My friends." "You never know with those parties though." Niall added. "Guys, drinks, music, sex. Sometimes drugs, police-" "Okay, I get it! But I don't do drugs, or get involved with police. I don't have sex either." "Good, and it's going to stay that way." Liam ordered. "Why is this such a big deal?" You whined and took a seat on the kitchen stool. The boys surrounded you, Harry still very quiet but intimidating. "Because, one, other people get drunk and high and horny." Niall brought up. "Peer pressure is another." Zayn added. "Plus, you're insanely beautiful, guys will definitely hit on you and try to sneak a peak at something that only you and your significant other should be looking at." Harry said, eyes still staring into yours. You've never heard him sound so sophisticated since you've known him and it was a major turn on. "Okay, professor Styles, now tell me. How old am I?" "What does this have to do with-" "Answer the question." "We're the same age." "Exactly. Do you drink?" "Sometimes, yes." "Do drugs?" "No." "Have sex?" "Well ... not frequently." "Do you like to party?" "Yes." "Then tell me, would you wanna go?" "Personally yes, but-" "It's a yes or no question, I did not ask you to explain." He exhaled heavily and his nostrils flared. "Yes." "Now with that being said, why am I not allowed to go?" They were all quiet. "You're a girl." He said. That got you fired up. "Pretty sexist!" You shouted and Harry shouted back. "Will you be able to protect yourself?!" "Oh boy." Louis sighed and the boys took a seat on the sofa, watching you both fire back and forth. They knew when you and Harry argued, there was no point in trying to stop it. "Protect myself?! I'm in college! I see these people everyday!" "Who cares, what if someone else that you don't know shows up and tried to hurt you?!" "Then I'll leave! Why are you fussing over this? It's a party, I took you all to the last one!" "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU GETTING HURT!" "I CAN PROTECT MYSELF HARRY, I'M NOT FUCKING FIVE! YOU TREAT ME LIKE A CHILD AND I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!" "I TRY TO PROTECT YOU [Y/N]! SOMETIMES YOU GET CRAZY!" "SO DO YOU! BUT I GIVE YOU SPACE!" "YOU KNOW WHAT? GO! GO TO THE PARTY! HAVE FUN! BUT IF YOU GET HURT OR IN TROUBLE DON'T COME CRYING TO ME!" "I WOULDN'T DREAM OF IT!" "I'M TIRED OF FIGHTING WITH YOU. I ... I don't want to do this anymore." "If you would have said yes in the first place, we wouldn't be fighting." "I don't want to fight with you ... I should be fighting for you." "For me?" "Yes! FOR YOU! IF SOMETHING EVER HAPPENED TO YOU, DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I WOULD FORGIVE MYSELF? I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT YOU OR IF YOU GOT HURT, OKAY? YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND, WITHOUT YOU ... I'm lost." His tone softened and he laughed sarcastically. "But go. Have a great time, just don't expect me to be here when you get back." He shot at you and went upstairs, slamming the door to the room he went into behind him. You stood there, dumbfounded and heartbroken. What a combination. "[Y/N], he didn't mean that harshly." Liam hugged you and you were still shocked. "Why didn't he just say that in the first place?" You whispered. "He doesn't exactly admit his feelings to well." Zayn chuckled, kissing your cheek. "He's such an idiot." You said, more to yourself than to the boys. You smiled at Liam, returned the hug and went upstairs to your room. You slammed the door slightly, pulling your hair into a ponytail, throwing your pajamas on and laid down. You opened the picture album that was on your nightstand and looked through the pictures of you and your friends. You and Harry. The one where he has you on his shoulders, the other one where he's in your arms, the friendly hug, the goodbye hug when he went on his first tour ... You sighed and put it back, staring at the ceiling and eventually falling asleep. Meanwhile, downstairs, the boys did the same. "I feel bad for them." Niall said lowly, looking at Zayn. "They're so in love, they can't see it." He looked at Liam. "We need a way to get them together ..." "Casual game of truth or dare." "Yes!" Liam and Louis exchanged a high five and Zayn and Niall nodded in agreement. "Should we make it seem like a sleepover?" Liam laughed and Niall nodded. "Yes! Get food and stuff." "This might work." Zayn smirked. "It will." Louis assured him and they all changed into their pajamas. Harry, already undressed, stared out the window to the moon. "This sucks." He muttered and he pulled out his phone. Admiring pictures, he smiled as he got to the album of just him and you. The selfies. Duck face, him kissing your cheek, you kissing his cheek, silly faces, squeezing each other's cheeks. Then the pictures other people took. The one by the fountain in New York, you during your first work presentation, both of you playing chicken with Louis and Eleanor over the summer. The hug. Before he left for the Up All Night tour. That one meant the most to him. He realized then how much he loved you. How madly in love he was with the girl he knew for years. He stood up, left the room and softly knocked on yours. He opened the door and was going to apologize when he saw you peacefully sleeping. He smiled. You didn't go and you knew it was because of him. But that made him upset and guilty. He's living his dream, the life he always wanted, doing everything he can while he was young and able to. Why was he stopping you? He scrunched his face and walked over to you. He pulled the blanket up over you and kissed the corner of your mouth softly. "I love you." He whispered before leaving. You snuggled into the pillow and smiled, thinking it was all a dream. You woke up about an hour later to Louis and Zayn barging in, loudly. "Wake up!" "GET UP GET UP GET UP!" "WE HAVE PIZZA!" Not even realizing how hungry you were before the picture of warm, gooey cheese with sauce and pepperoni on a perfect golden brown slice of dough popped into your head, you jumped up. "Fuck you guys." You laughed, rubbing your eyes. "C'mon sleepy head. Sleepover." You followed them downstairs, passing Harry when you reached the living room. He gave you a small smile, but it was quickly wiped off in a matter of seconds when he remembered you weren't awake when he was going to apologize. You felt your face warm, thinking about the "dream" you had and met Niall at the pizza box. "Morning gorgeous." You snickered and you both put an arm around each other, admiring the large pie. "Looks beautiful." He said in awe and you both laughed, pulling out a slice each. With the boys following close behind you two, you went into the living room, where you plopped into the sofa. Fiddling with the cheese by your crust, you heard Louis speak. "How about a game of truth or dare?" You all nodded and he smiled. "Niall, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to have Liam take a bite out of your pizza." "You're crazy." He said bluntly and you laughed. "Do it, or I'll give you something much worse." "What's worse than that?" "I dare you to throw out Zayn's lucky comb." Zayn's eyes widened. "Niall, you wouldn't." You saw them stare at each other before Niall sighed. "Liam, take the fucking pizza and go." Liam grinned, sliding over to Niall, slowly leaning in for a bite and dramatically chewing it, like a couple on a date. "Thanks honey." He smiled and Niall pushed him off. "Harry, truth or dare?" "Truth." "Boooringgg." Niall sang and Louis giggled. "Is it true ... Zayn help me out." "Is it true that you're sexist?" You looked down, ripping a slice of pepperoni off of your pizza and nonchalantly eating it. "I have been told I am, but I'm not." You looked up at him and he caught your eye, both of you locking your gazes on one another. "I'm really not." He said, making it seem as if he was still answering the question, but obviously directing it towards you. You smiled softly and Niall spoke. "[Y/N]! Truth or dare?" "Dare." Liam interjected Niall before he even said anything. "We dare you to kiss Harry." You and Harry looked at each other and you shook your head. "Anything other?" "Show up at that college party. Naked." You felt your cheeks burn, but you got up and walked to the door. "So ... do you guys wanna see me streak? Or ..." Harry looked hurt as he strode towards you. "Don't do that." "Why not?" "Didn't I tell you guys are going to try to sneak a peek at what's yours. Now you're going to give them permission. No, don't do it. You don't have to kiss me, but please, don't do it." He looked at you, tears brimming his eyes. You gave him a quick peck and he looked shocked. "Wait ... why did-" "Can you just ... shut up?" You giggled and he smiled, dimples coming out for show. "I love you." You both said at the same time. You both mirrored each other's grins and kissed again. "AWE!" Louis called out, hand on his heart as you pulled away. "Harry Styles. Are you blushing?" Zayn asked. "I see you smile madly but ... you never turn red." Liam gaped. "[Y/N], has that effect on him, eh?" Niall nodded. "I cannot believe it." "That's crazy." "Awe, Hazza bear is off the market now!" "Look at those cheeks, they're redder than Niall's." You two livede happily ever after. The End.

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