ℋℯ 𝓇ℴ𝒸𝓀𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓉𝓇ℯℯ 𝓉ℴ𝓅𝓈 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝓁ℴ𝓃ℊ

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I hide out in my treehouse sketching in my journal. I have on a tan shirt and green shorts.  For my shoes I have green converse. I feel my pointy fairy ears wiggle once I hear a scream. It's my mom. I rush out the tree house flying before landing right in-front the back door. I open to see someone hovering over my parents with a sword. The person see me and  tries to pin me down but I move out the way and run to my sisters room. I lock the door and open her window. "What do you want Bruce" she says. "some one broke in!" "You joking?" "No!" Amy paces around her room before Bruce says "fly out to the tree house I will be there in a second." I say while then rushing back down stairs. My mom spots me and starts trying to mouth me something through her whimpers. I look around and see my dad, dead. what the fuck. I start to sob lightly after hiding behind a dresser. Eventually I hear my mom scream, I close my eyes and cover my ears while sobbing. Her screams grow silent. I turn my head to face them and I see her in her own puddle of blood. The last thing I hear her say is "take care of you sister Bruce" i sneakily run out the house to the tree house. "What happened, where's mom and dad?" Amy ask . "There gone." I say between sobs as my lip quivers. Amy let's on a single tear before her cheeks grow red and her under eyes grow a veiny blue. Tears start flowing out but there cobs have to be cut short as the man who murdered there parents is looking for them.

Third person
Bruce and Amy sneak out the tree house and ran all the way to the nearest dock. Luckily Amy collected some stuff that was in the tree house. It was basically Bruce's bedroom so they had a bunch of things they needed like money. They bought tickets for a week long ship to "ecstasy mere" a beautiful island filled with mermaids but you must be careful you don't find yourself a siren. Once aboard Amy and Bruce were seated at a table. The people at the table were Robin Arellano (a merman) and Vance Hopper (a vampire) Truth be told Bruce has heard of Vance, and found him rather cute so being sat with him was quite a pleasure and a dis at the same time. (Sorry for the proper grammar or whateva I'm feeling silly) Bruce and Amy had stopped crying by now but their cheeks were still red and their eyes puffy. The two pushed were pressed up with  eachother (the table is kinda like a lunch table but made out of wood) Amy had her head on Bruce's shoulder, recalling the news she heard moments before. Vance who was staring at the two infront said "Are you two okay, you seem... sad." "Let's just say it hasn't been the night for us" Bruce said "If you want you can tell me about" Bruce was hesitant at first but really needed to tell someone about the horrors he saw so gave in. By the end of the story Vance was in complete sympathy of the two. "Im so sorry to hear that" Vance said sincerely. He wiped a tear off Bruce's face making Bruce slightly blush. "umm.. how do I say this, me and this guy here, his name is robin, are part of a protection program and maybe we can help you guys against whoever that guys is." Vance said while fidgeting with his fingers "you would do that!" Bruce said his sad mood being lifted. "No problem pretty boy!" Vance said accidentally saying the last part and instantly regretting it. Bruce decided to ignore his comment and hugged Vance tightly repeating thank yous.


It was now time to head to the bedrooms. Luckily you got paired up with people at your table. A room had two bunk beds one on the left side of the room and one on the right. Infront of the beds their was a dark wooden chest. Bruce bunked with Vance and robin and Amy bunked together. Robin and Amy have grown besties is the short time they were waiting. They both sat on the bottom bunk gossiping. Bruce and Vance were arguing about who gets top bunk. "I think I should get it" Vance said, not providing any actual reason why he should. "No, your fatass is probably gonna snap the fucking thing!" Bruce replied. Vance dramatically put his hand over his heart "I can't believe you!" Vance said . "It is true though, Bruce should probably take top bunk" robin said. "Fuck you guys" Vance muttered getting into the bottom bunk defeated. "Im sorry my little munchkin" Bruce rolled his eyes while getting on the the top bunk. Vance slightly blushed before he started kicking the top bunk repeated. Bruce tried to ignore it before he crouched over to see Vance "can you stop that you little 4 year old." Bruce said annoyingly "so what I'm hearing is that you don't want my help" v "shut up" Bruce says while getting back fully on his bed.

Ok I don't feel like writing anymore but thoughts?

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