Chapter 69 (Taking back the Mall)

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You rush back to the mall with it up in flames and ruins. You see Ashe firing arrows at the incoming Void Spawns.



Y/n: CRAP.

You summon your spear, and calling upon your Shadow army as they charge the incoming hoard, blades and shields clash with fangs and claws. As they fought you noticed your Shadow soldiers emitting a dark bluish glow with small shiny specks littered all over their body.

Woah.. are they going cosmic.. how is that even possible..?! well I might as well do the same if I want to stop this madness.

You call upon your spear while simultaneously turning Cosmic your body fully encased in golden plate armor.

Kai'sa POV

No matter how many times you've seen it, it always takes your breath away. As Y/n activates his Cosmic powers his body fully encased in golden plate armor decorated with intricate engravings running along the edge of each section of armor, his pauldrons having an olive branch like design to them, his chest plate having a lion's head roaring, and his round shield, a good size and on it the engravings of a woman with snake for hair. Looking into the shield's eyes makes you freeze in fear.

I can only imagine what that would do for his enemies..

He pushes forwards with his Shadow soldiers as they begin to take ground with each wave of Void spawn they cut down. You join in fully encased in your void armor as you fly above Y/n, shooting groups of Voidlings while in the air. It isn't long till the majority of the Voidlings are neutralized, with the remaining scurrying back into the now much larger hole in the ground. You can now see a part of the deep chasm Y/n was talking about earlier it seemed almost bottomless with how deep it went. Your attention from the chasm is taken by the sound of a woman giving off commands.

Caitlyn: get a perimeter around the hole, don't let a single one of those creatures slip passed us!

Is that who I think it is?!

You recognized that woman, she was the one who you met on the ship, the one who was consoling Y/n. You watch as she approaches Y/n and a white haired woman, you descend landing next to the trio.

Caitlyn: thank you for your help! We would have been in deep trouble if it weren't for you guys back there!

Y/n: no problem just did what we needed to do!

He powers off and as he does, Caitlyn's eyes go wide.

Caitlyn: Y/n..?

Y/n: yeah?

Caitlyn: do you remember me! We met on the Yacht a few months ago!

Y/n: ah! I remember! I knew your name sounded familiar! How have you been!

Caitlyn: pretty good! Although my vacation did get cut short do to being evacuated off the ship..!

Y/n: yeah..! Can't do much when the god of the sea gets angry with us trespassing..!

Caitlyn: unfortunately not!

Y/n: well it was great to see you again! But I think I have to get going! I don't want anymore of those disgusting creatures coming out of that hole!

You winced at his remark.

Caitlyn: well normally I'd advice against letting any civilian personnel from getting any closer, but figuring as you could take care of yourself I reckon this time should be fine!

Y/n: thanks I appreciate it!

Caitlyn: no problem! And once this is all said and done how about we get some dinner! I'd like to catch up!

Y/n: sure sounds great!

He smiles brightly at her and you feel a pang of jealously slowly well up inside you. You feel a nudge to your arm. You noticed the white haired woman trying to get your attention.

????: is he normally this popular with woman? I've seen him with a Vastayan woman earlier now he's here with you.. I'm Ashe by the way..

You face palm with a begrudging sigh.

Kai'sa: *sigh* he's popular alright. No matter where we go there's alway women flocking to him. Kai'sa..

She gives a nods from your introduction.

Ashe: and he doesn't set boundaries?

Kai'sa: he's denser than a bag of rocks.

Ashe: you're joking..

Kai'sa: I wish.

Y/n: Kai'sa you coming!

Your attention turns back to Y/n who was already at the edge of the chasm. You run towards him grabbing him by the arm.

Kai'sa: I already told you. You're not going down there.

Y/n: oh come on! You saw me back there! I took care of them pretty well!

Kai'sa: things will be different when your down there. If it's already a full fledged nest, it's going to be tight corners and lots of hidden spots for ambushes.

Y/n: I'll be fine! Trust me!

He looks at you pleadingly and after a few seconds you defenses break.

Kai'sa: *sigh* fine.

Y/n: thank you!

He jumps down and you follow suit. What feels likes hours of falling, were in actuality only ten minutes.

How deep does this go..

Finally you can make out the bottom dimly lit by the purple material used to make the Voidling's hives and quickly you activate your void thrusters slowing your descent gracefully landing while Y/n just slams the ground make a very loud and bold entrance.

Kai'sa: Y/n?! Are you trying to tell the whole world we're here?!

He winces from your scolding.

Y/n: sorry..! I didn't think about how I'd land..!

You just sigh while making your way deeper into the chasm. You carefully watch your sides, looking at every dark spot each having the potential to hide a Voidling. Y/n walks straight passed you with little to no regards of any possible ambush. You almost hissed when you called his name.

Kai'sa: Y/n. Pay attention.

Y/n: right right..! Sorry..!

The both of you stop dead in your tracks as a voice can be heard deeper into the hive.

????: welcome humans I have been waiting for your arrival

Before you could react purple glowing lights from all directions come charging at you all at once swarming the two of you in an instant and soon after everything goes black.


Happy New Years ya'll! I hope you're all doing great and having an awesome day! See you guys next time!

Raison D'etre (KDA x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now