When a god meets a broken cat.

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After a few more days with Melissa Izuku explained he had to help restore the fourth pussy cat Ragdoll. She had her quirk stolen after all. Melissa asked to be reverted to 15 years old so she can enter UA. After contacting Nezu and warping Melissa to his office he explained things to Nezu. After the explanation Nezu agrees and adds Melissa to 1A and support course. Izuku also is granted a teacher's position with the time to gather more quirkless to train as he sees fit but will be needed to come to UA every now and again.

"Well Melissa now you can live both your dreams. Hope they have room for all your stuff. Hehe." Melissa smiles at Izuku. "Well they might but theres a huge thing they couldn't bring. But I am sure you will once you return." She says as she kisses him. "Perhaps hehe. I'll be back once her training is complete. Stay safe and try not to kill Bakugo until I have a chat with him." Melissa laughs as she knew all the universe he's visited Bakugo was always a quirkist arrogant asshole. "I make no promises hehe." She hugs and kisses him goodbye before heading inside.

Tomoko Shiretoko was saddened by the loss of her quirk. But no matter how hard her team looks she can't find that boy. "I still can't find him. Sigh. I hope to find him soon. I'm not sure about my place in the world now. But if he can give or train me in a power that I can use to help my team I'll find him." She says to the ceiling. As no one but Kota was home and he was off in his cave. He said someone saved him but he still won't say who. Only that it was a sad girl.

"Maybe you have searched the wrong places Tomoko Shiretoko. Have you thought of that?" Ragdoll jumped and squeaked. "Eek. Uhh. Who's there?" The voice that was powerful but held no malice spoke again. "The one who can give you the power to aid your friends. But you must pass a test first." Said the voice. "I-Izuku M-Midoriya? Is that you?" She was scared but she trusted this voice.

"Maybe. To find out Ragdoll you must find and rescue Kota. Only you can do so. No emergency services or heroes can reach him in time. Are you the hero you have always been or are you a fraud?" Ragdoll was scared yes. Angry yes. But she couldn't let little Kota get hurt. She'd never forgive herself. "Where is he?" The voice chuckles. "Well you ask a good question. Where do you go to train Tomoko? Remember that spot 12 years ago? That one spot where you felt safest in the world. It's dangerous for kids to be there." Tomoko's eyes opened wide. True it is dangerous to be there. If she doesn't hurry Kota can be killed and eaten by wild animals. "Ohh you are so screwed once I save him!" The voice giggled a bit. "Well not sure about the screwed part. Not that I don't umm find you attractive just uhh not ready to put my heart back out there hehehe." Now Tomoko was pissed, scared, and embarassed. She left the house a blushing mess running through the forest. "You know that's not what I meant asshat!" She yelled as she ran. "Oh I know. Hehe but then in most universes I have been to. We do end up doing that. A lot." Sighing as she was beet red. "Yeah right. Ryuko is the one after teenagers." The voice laughed. "Aww so am I not attractive enough for ya Ragdoll you've wounded my pride. Also duck now."

Ragdoll not paying attention runs right into a tree that fell across the path facefirst. "Ohh that's gonna hurt in the morning!" Says the voice. "You dow....I dink my dose is bwoke!" The voice sighed. "Thats because it is. Now hurry up. Kid in danger remember?" Ragdoll snarls. "I dink you edjoy dis." A laugh erupts all around her. "Eh probably. It's not bad watching a sexy Greenette with an awesome body run through a forest half naked to save a kid who hates heroes." Blushing from the compliments she looks down and goes neon red. "Oh do!" Giggling the voice responds. "Yeah love the bra. Nice thong too really shows off that perfect ass. Now hold still and I will give you your wwpc outfit. " Rag doll blushes but tries to tease back. "Oh so you like my ass and dink its perfect? Well take a picture it'll last longer." The voice chuckles as he makes her wwpc outfit appear on her. "What makes you think I didn't take a picture already?"

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