Chapter 8

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"Goodmorninggg!!" Liam screams into the bedroom were Harry and Louis are sleeping. "Can you shut up it's freaking 6am in the morning." Louis said while he get closer to Harry. "But im hungry." Liam said and go sit onto the bed. "Liam leave let us sleep." Harry said. "I want to you make food." Liam looks at Harry with puppy eyes. "Liam i will make food but just not now okay." Okay than. Liam leaves and close the door. "He never let us sleep." Harry said and kiss Louis. "I know." Louis said while he laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Harry looks at Louis. "No nothing go back to sleep love." Harry nods and falls asleep.

5 hours later:

"Boo?" Harry rubs with his thumb on Louis jaw. Louis opens his eyes slowly. "There you are." Harry say with a smile. "Goodmorning boo. How did you sleep?" Harry said. Louis smiles. "I slept good how about you?" "Same" Harry smiles and kissed Louis. Louis kissed back. "Are you hungry?" Louis nods. "Im gonna make you breakfast." Harry smiles. "Give first Liam his food." Louis looks at Harry. "No my boo bear get it first. Liam can wait."

"Goodmorning Liam!" Harry screams. "Are you gonna make me food?" "No first Lou." "You always do things first for Louis." Liam said. Louis walks in and hug Harry for behind. "He does always things first for me because i am his boyfriend." Louis said with a smile and kiss Harry on his jaw. "Yeah sorry Liam but he's right."

Harry said while he laughed. "When are you too gonna marry?" Liam said with a smile. "I hope soon." Louis said and takes Harry's hand. "If our contract are done i will marry you boo." Louis looks at him with a huge smile. "Really?" "Of course i will you are the only person i love in this world." Harry walk to the kitchen and make breakfast. He makes pancakes because he knows that Louis loves them. "Liam, boo bear! Food is ready!" "Yesss Harry's pancakes!" Screams Louis and jump into Harry's arms. "Your happy Boo Bear?" Harry said when he start laughing. They gonna sit and start eating.

(A/N: I'm gonna jump to 5 days after.)

"Boyssss im so happy to go on tour." Liam said with a smile while he walks into the studio. "Yess me too i missed it so much." Zayn said. "Okay boys the car is outside." Paul said. The boys go into the car. Harry sit next to Louis. Niall sit next to the driver, and Zayn and Liam sit behind Louis and Harry. "Okay so which pranks are we gonna do in the hotel?" Louis said while he laughed. "Boo we are not gonna do the same as last tour you remember that we needed to stay in other rooms?" Harry says with a sad smile. "Okay Hazz im not gonna do pranks." Louis lay in Harry's nap. Harry rups on Louis' neck, after a few minutes is Louis a sleep.

They arrive at the hotel.

"Louis Boo wake up." Harry whispers in Louis ear. "Nooo i want to stay here with you." Louis said with a sleepy voice. "We can cuddle in our hotel room Lou we can't stay here okay." Harry give Louis a gentle kiss on his lips. Louis smiles and looks into Harry's eyes. "Carry." Louis whispers. "Ahw baby come here." "Guys com'on." Liam said. "Yeah we are coming. Our baby don't want to walk." Louis look at Harry with a sad face. "Your baby only yours." Harry laugh and walks with Louis in his arms to their hotel room. When they got into the room lays Harry Louis on the bed. "Can i go to sleep?" Louis asked and looks at Harry. "Yes but f kiirst i need to talk. Harry said. They got ready for bed and lay next to each other. Louis lays his head on Harry's chest. Harry rubs over Louis hair.

"Were did you wanna talk about Hazz?" Louis ask. "You know our contract with management?" Louis looks at Harry and sighs. "Yeah i know i wish i could say that i didn't know what it is." Louis said and sighs again. "I know love but i really need to say something." Louis lays his head on Harry's chest and nods. "Management want to give me a fake girl friend. Yes again. But Lou im so done with it i can't do this anymore. I said already too management that this need to stop but they don't do anything. They just don't care." Harry sighs loud. "I know Hazz but it's gonna be better. You need to hold on for us okay? I can't live without you okay. I know it's hard but please don't leave me Hazz."

"Lou i never gonna leave you even if i need too i can't live without you. But it's not fair. I just want to be able to hold your hand when i want to. I want to kiss you in public if i want to. I want to go on a date with you in public if you want to. I just want to be a normal couple. Simon always says that the fan's will hate us if we come out Lou. But the fans support us so why can we just come out?" Harry said a little bit too enthusiastic.

"Hazz how much i want to come out too it's not possible babe. And i know the fans support us but our contract baby. I really wish we can hold our hands in public. That i can kiss and go on a date with you. I really want that the whole world knows you are mine. But we can't take the risk Hazz. If we take the risk they will make our lives more difficult than now. And you can't handle that. Hazz we are gonna fight for it okay? One day we will be able to hold our hands, go on a date and kiss in public. I promise that okay?" Louis said and give Harry a kiss.

"But when is one day Lou. I don't want to wait anymore." Louis sighs softly. "I know you can't wait and i can't wait too but we need to hold on Hazz." Harry give Louis a soft kiss on his lips. "Im gonna fight for us Lou. But now we need to sleep." Louis nods. "Goodnight Hazza." "Goodnight Boo Bear." They fall asleep in each other arms.



First of all i want to say this was the last update for 2022. I hope you all are okay! I know that not a lot of people knows about this storie so if you want to tell other people about my storie do it im thankful for that. I hope your year was good. I see you all in 2023! Happy holidays and early happy birthday to our angel Louis Tomlinson 🫶 Have a nice day!! <3

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