5. Sid s first international deal

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At sidshek side

Both the brothers reached home . Abhi wake Ashu and both went inside when they went they saw all where there waiting for them except children

Abhi : children?

Vaish: both are tired , so we made them eat their dinner and made them sleep

Abhi : okay

Avi: sid

Sid: yes

Avi: tomorrow , also you have to go office early?

Sid(looking at abhi and then at avi ): why ?

Avi: actually today full day khushi neither saw your face nor had talk to you . so she had strictly told me that tomorrow if his hero doesn't came to wake her up , then she will not talk with her hero

Avi:. So now tell me if you want to go office early then I have to think about some excuse

Abhi: avi , you don't have to think about any exuse . tomorrow sid have free day , so tomorrow he will be at home only . so he will first drop khushi at school then you both go and watch any movie and do some shopping also

Avi: that s a great idea bhai . right sid

Sid (glaring at abhi): yahh , yahhh

Abhi silently laughed .sid also thought something and gave a mischief smirk to him 😏😏😏😏. to which abhi s smile faded

Sid : bhabhi , I am saying that...(cutted by abhi)

Abhi : ashu , we should not talk while having dinner

Vaish : you shut up abhi . you continue baby bro

Sid: bhabhi I am saying that , tomorrow there is no important work at office . so why not you and dada also join us . right avi?

Avi: ofcourse sid , di you should join us . as tomorrow mom and dad are also not at home and both the children will also not there so will get bored tomorrow

vaish: okay

sid: mom dad , where are you both going tomorrow?

Vibha: kahna , there is a small get-together of our friends . so are are going there.

Sid : and about children?

Avi: they are going to their friends house directly from school as there is their friends birthday party

Sid : okay then it is final that tomorrow we four are going for movie plus shopping . right dada?

Abhi : right dada ke bachhe , you just wait ....

saying this he stand from his chair and seeing abhi standing from his chair sid started to run and abhi also started to chase him . both the brother s are running all-over the house . sid was running forward laughing while abhi was chasing him while cursing him . vaish came forward to stop their fight and taking advantage of it sid hide behind vaish

sid: bhabhi , please save me from your hitler husband

abhi : you said me hitler . now I will not leave you , you just come out

sid: bhabhi , please save me from him . he going to beat me

vaish: abhi , if you dare to touch my baby bro , then you will see my wrose side . now came and complete your dinner.

Saying this she went to continue her dinner and sid poke his tongue to which abhi gave him death glare . sid quickly went to dinning table and behind him abhi also went . while eating dinner abhi look at sid and saw him happy after a long and seeing his brother happy a small smile also appear on his face.

After dinner all were sitting in the living talking about random things and eating ice cream

Vibha : abhi , ice cream is going to finish , now tell me the good news for which you had brought ice cream

Abhi : okay , mom - dad , my sweet sister and my lovely wife so the news is Ashu , my lovely brother is going to present his first international deal 🥳🥳🥳

Sid : 😧😧😧 dada , what are you saying ??

Vaish : yes abhi , what are you saying. Say it clearly

Abhi : aree , vaishu before some days we got proposal from London for our new collection . So to represent it we have to go London

Ranveer : abhi this new collection is the same collection that kahna had made

Abhi : yes dad , this is the same collection. This collection is made by Ashu , so obviously he has right to go London and represent his collection.

Sid : but dada , before this I had never done any international deal . 😥😥 What if I made some mistake and we lose this deal . ....... Dada we can't be able to lose this deal because if this deal got cracked then our company will so much profit . I think we should not take risk

Abhi : but Ashu , this is your collection so you can present it better than me

Ranveer : and kahna not today but some other day you have do deal with international deal then what will you do ???

Vibha : this is best opportunity kahna , just do it

Sid : but ..........

Vaish : there is no but and no if . You have to go and that s final . Okay ???

Sid : okay

Abhi : ( taking paper out from his pocket ) so here is your ticket 😃😃😃

Sid : 🤨🤨🤨

Abhi : woh ...... I was sure that you will get agree . So I book ticket early only 🙃🙃🙃🙃

Everyone laughed while Sid made a cute pout

Sid : i hate you

Abhi : ( while hugging him) but I love you

Vibha : okay , now enough , it's getting late everyone go and sleep

Everyone went to their room and slept

In night , at 1am . abhi wake up to drink water but saw that the jug was empty so he went down to fill the jug , but when he was returning , he saw someone was standing in the upper hall balcony . abhi went to see who was there ...................

( Imagine it as night)

Who would at balcony????

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Who would at balcony????


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