Chapter 13

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Katsuki was out of the hospital. His concussion was minor, but it was a large enough affect to need professional treatment.

Disappointed to not have seen Izuku all morning (and he didn't know why), he walked gloomily into the cafeteria. Outside, he saw Shoto in his basketfall uniform rubbing his injured ankle with Ochako by his side nursing him. He gritted his teeth as he felt jealousy rise in him. What could make the day worse?

As he passed, he saw Ochako glance at him. A light blush tinted in her face, if she wasn't already at Shoto. Rubbing the back of his head, Katsuki ignored her and went in to order his lunch. Remembering how he always made Izuku pay and order his lunch, he looked down and bit his lip as he waited in the line.

Sitting down on an empty table, he picked up his chopsticks and poured the spice in as he started to eat the ramen. A slight smile drew across his lips as he enjoyed the taste of his favorite food.


Common Area


"Hey guys!" Izuku bounced to his friends. They looked up.

"Hey Izu-" Kaminari started. His jaw dropped when he saw him. Mina's reaction was no less priceless. Izuku chuckled and ruffled his hair slightly.

"Oh, em, jee," Mina said quietly. She kicked her chair away and stood up - or practically jumped out of the chair. She ran over and squeezed Izuku's cheeks hard, making him groan and attempt to swat her away.

"Ouch, Mina, you're hurting me," he choked. She squealed and asked him a dozen questions he wasn't able to process until she hugged her and repeatedly told him he was beautiful. Kaminari, sitting by the side, was in complete NPC mode.

"Anyway, is the shock period over?" Izuku asked as Mina continued to ruffle his hair. Kaminari fell out of his chair and pretended to be lifeless as the other two laughed.




"Gosh, Shoto is hurt?" Mina gushed to Kaminari as they peeked over the fence behind the cafeteria at Shoto wincing in pain at his ankle. Ochako was by his side, looking genuinely worried.

"Yeah, wonder what happened," Kaminari replied in a whisper. Someone pushed him, and his nose bumped the fence, making him yelp.

"Weird," A green-haired girl rolled her eyes and stepped over. "Are you guys familiar with Shoto?"

She stuck out her tongue and yanked Kaminari by the hair. Furious, Mina tried to hit her, but Kaminari held her back.

"TSUYU YOU SON OF A-" Mina attempted to scream. Kaminari put a hand over her mouth and told her to shush, so she calmed down. Tsuyu giggled fakely at the sight and mocked her before dashing over to Shoto with a girlish run.

"Oh my god Shoto! Are you okay?" she asked. Her fakeness could literally be smelled from a mile away, but Shoto just smiled and nodded.

Izuku walked into the cafeteria as he casually scratched his hair. Shoto's eyes widened at him and Izuku could practically feel his stare. Ochako was surprised too, but she was not giving him any sort of jealous glare, which he was appreciative about. However, Tsuyu was staring at him with envy, which he pretended to not notice as he went over to get an ice pop.

When he turned around, he saw Katsuki looking at him, wide-eyed, chopsticks dropped on the table and ramen still in his mouth. Katsuki scrambled to pick the chopsticks up again and shook them before attempting to continue eating without glancing up. Izuku smiled slightly before going to the counter to pay.

By the time he was finished and turned around, he found Katsuki in front of him. He jumped slightly and smiled cheekily, nervous as he felt a furious atmosphere radiating off Katsuki.

"H-Hi Kacchan..." he murmured. Katsuki stepped to the side so they could talk privately before he yanked Izuku's wrist over to a corner.

"What the hell Deku?" he whispered, looking at Deku's face, then his hair. Izuku rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah- Well, I was going to tell your family about your incident, and well- your sister got a little-" Izuku started. He trailed off, not knowing how to describe it, but he knew Katsuki got what he meant. "You know."

"Tch, I get it then," Katsuki looked to the side. "You do look... Better."

"Awe, thanks!" Izuku squealed. Katsuki wrinkled up his nose to hide his slightly pink cheeks.

"Ugh, your ice pop is melting," Katsuki pointed at the treat in Izuku's hand. Izuku's eyes widened as he looked down frantically.

"Ah- Actually, I think I was going to give it to Todoroki-kun, considering his condition-" Izuku started. Katsuki nodded understandingly. His heart seemed to clench a little, but he shook the feeling off. Why was he feeling this way?

"Well then do it," Katsuki grunted. Wait one more second and it'll be dripping over his beautiful  hair."

"Kacchan!" Izuku pouted at his sarcasm. Katsuki didn't say anything as he forced Izuku around and pushed Izuku forward, out of the cafeteria. Izuku stumbled a little and looked back at Katsuki, surprised. Katsuki smirked and nodded towards the side, motioning for Izuku to give the treat to Shoto.

Izuku looked down to see both Ochako and Shoto looking at him expectantly. He blushed slightly as he handed out the ice pop to Shoto.

"Ah, h-here..." he muttered. Shoto smiled and took the ice pop.

"Thank you, Midoriya-kun," Shoto said simply. Izuku smiled as well. They exchanged a few quick words, none of them noticing the sad smile on a certain aggressive blonde standing by the side.

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