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they called her as she shuffled stiffly through the crowded hallways.


they whisper quietly amongst themselves at lunch while pointing directly at her.

she knew how they saw her, what they thought of her.

she held onto whatever supplies she had while walking the halls, and if she was holding nothing

she'd grip at her sides as if it formed a cocoon of confidence around her, sheilding her from hurtful words.

she held back the rush of tears that demanded to flow into her sandwich in the lunchroom.

she thought she might throw up.


she called herself whenever she passed by her mirrored image.

she walked on so many eggshells, the blood had become like soles for her feet.

then there was him.


he thought whenever her being met his gaze.


he said under his breath when she walked by his desk in class.


he saw she was.

her name is elle, if anyone cared.

written july 5, 2015

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