1 - Strawberries and Ashes

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TW- Death, Psychologically abusive words from parental figure, Tell me if I missed any please

As she walked outside of her family's small cabin, Marlin felt a sudden breeze ruffle her hair. It was chillingly delightful, as she had been stuck inside writing all day.

As she was walking down the mossy path to her friend's house, many random thoughts occupied her head, such as why her hair was called red, seeing as it was more of an auburn color.

While she was stuck in her daze of thoughts, she felt a sudden weight fall upon her.

"Rain!" Marlin exclaimed. "You scared the living daylights out of me!"

"Sorry!" Rain responded worriedly.  "I tripped when I was running! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Marlin said as she slowly got up while rubbing her head.

"So where are you headed?" Rain questioned while following behind Marlin.

"Well, I was going to see you, but now I guess we can skip that part. We're headed out to pick berries now." Marlin said.

"Ooo! That sounds fun!" Rain said whilst bouncing. Marlin scoffed, thinking about how different her father had said Rain's reaction would be.

"You'll just scare, or hurt her, and she'll refuse, and if she doesn't, then she'll hate it! Honestly! Why does someone like her have to deal with such a disappointment as yourself? You're like a broken cannon! You fire off at random people for no reason, and only ever hurt people! You'd be better dead!" She flinched at the memories of the talk she had with her father earlier this morning.

Well, she wasn't sure if his screaming, and her fearful yes and no sirs counted as a convo, but still.

"So what berries are we picking?" Rain questioned excitedly, snapping Marlin out of her daze.

"Wha- Oh! Uh, we're picking..." Marlin stuttered. What were they picking? Wasn't it strawberries for making something important? Yeah, that's what she'd go with.

"Strawberries! Yeah, we're picking strawberries!" She said with false confidence.

"That sounds nice." Rain said with a small smile. She was worried. She could tell Marlin was having a bad day.

"Yeah?" Marlin smiled back.

"Yeah!" Rain exclaimed.

*⏁⟟⋔⟒ ⌇☍⟟⌿*

After they had finished picking berries, they started back to the village, Marlin gazing up at the tall pines, and both girls giggling at the dumb jokes they passed between each other.

The forest was echoing with the girl's laughter, and the sound of the rushing river that surrounded it. And... screaming. Screaming.

Their laughing slowly withered away as the reality of what they were hearing came into check. They looked around for any sign of who or what was making the sound.

Then they realized two things that changed the entire situation. Goosebumps started to rise on the girls arms and legs. There were multiple screams at once, every single one terrifying, and filled with pain, and the screaming was coming from the village. Their eyes widened, and they started running.

Rain started calling for her little brother, and Marlin for her mother. They finally reached the village, and the sight laying before them was horrific.

Everything was burning, bodies littered everywhere, some in piles, bloody weapons strewn across the mossy ground.

Marlin suddenly stopped. Her eyes started watering, and her vision started getting blurry as she dropped to the cold ground.

Rain gasped, and worriedly sprinted towards her house, calling louder now for her brothers name.

Marlin was on her knees. Infront of her, bloodied on the ground, was her mother. Dead.

She screamed. At the top of her lungs, she screamed. The scream was full of agony and pain.

She stayed there for a while, trying to drag her mother away, anywhere but there, sobbing and screaming, yelling for anyone to please help her. Eventually, Rain came running to Marlin, and grabbed her arm.

"WE NEED TO GO." Rain yelled over the screaming and the howling fire.

"NO!" Marlin cried, reaching for her mother's lifeless corpse as she was being dragged from her.

She looked like she was asleep. She wasn't, but Marlin couldn't grasp that at the moment.

Marlin freed herself from Rain's grasp, and ran back to her mother, falling back to her knees, by her mother's side.


She wasn't going to respond. Marlin had known this, she just didn't want to believe it. She didn't want this to be real. She stared in silence at her mother's lifeless body.

She was filled with rage. She screamed again, but this time it was angry, furious.

"WHOEVER KILLED HER, I WILL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE! YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!" She yelled, as tears poured from her eyes, wetting her cheeks, and delicately slipping off her chin.

Rain grabbed her again, and they started running. Marlin couldn't bring herself to look back but one time. When she did, it was ash, fire, and blood. She looked down to the strawberries in her basket.

She had been planning to make a cake with them. Strawberries were her mother's favorite, and it was her birthday after all. Too bad she would never get to taste it.

:] A/N First chapter, I was recommended to post this by my friend, you can call him G, but I'll continue the story if you guys want me to.

WC: 828

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