Dabi ~ My Hero Academia (smut)

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"Hello, My name is Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." 

I smiled at the class before me. I'm a new teacher at the UA, and everyone here had lovely quirks. I looked over at the green-haired boy who looked rather excited to see me. I smiled at the boy, also known as the one who never had a quirk. All might had explained to me how he passed on his quirk to Midoriya, meaning All Might couldn't walk around much.

"Ms. Y/N? Do you have a quirk?" 

"I do, but I specialize in combat." Considering a few months ago the UA was attacked in the middle of this class's training, it was important that they learned more combat. I heard they did pretty okay for their first time fighting some villains, I made a quick look over at Midoriya. 

For someone so small, he was lucky to have his quirk. Especially to go up against Shiggy at his first go is pretty impressive. I let out a small cough before smiling back at the rest of the class.

"Well, if you'll excuse me. I have to continue making my rounds, but I'm excited to teach you guys. Thank you for your time."

I looked over at Shoto and smiled softly at him before taking my leave. This was a nice school, super protected so it's crazy how the league of villains got in. As I walked around the building, I made sure to take in every aspect I could, and suddenly I made my way out into the school's field. 

My quirk was called Occult. It was dangerous, so using this around children scared me a little bit. I have yet to figure out my weakness, but so far... I have none. As I looked around the field, maybe it was a good time to practice. I had gone to the UA myself, so most of the teachers here know what I am capable of. 

The one thing I loved about my quirk was how I had three different things to my advantage. Well, mainly two but the other one was what kept me going. So far, I have only been on this planet for 21 years, meaning I have an eternity to go. 

I closed my eyes and focused on my energy. I furred my eyebrows, there was another presence with me. I quickly turned around my eyes turning black, looking at the target and piercing through their mind. There were memories of a loving mother, memories of anger and lashing out, but the thing that sent me back to reality quickly was them seeing themselves as weak compared to others. 

"Oh my god, Mirdoriya I am so sorry!" I ran over to Midoriya, who had slight tears in his eyes. I walked over quickly to him, placing both of my hands in his arms. I looked over at him worried, He just stared at me in horror.

"Midoroya!? Answer me! Are you okay?" Sometimes my power can pierce through and alter memories, but only in order to manipulate them. If I had stared into his mind for too long, he could've lost his memories of everything good in his life... Everything that motivated him. 

"Y-Yeah... I'm okay." I pulled Midoriya into a hug and quickly pulled away. I looked back into his eyes, obviously without my quirk. 

"Nothing happened in your mind, right? Nothing was altered?"

"Uh... No? I think everything is still there."

"I am so sorry." I let out a sigh of relief. I tend to always be on my toes. Ever since I was young I was reached out by villains. They wanted my quirk for their benefit, but I know if I used my quirk in the wrong hands, I could kill so many innocent people. From then on out, I used my power for good, only forcing myself into the minds of evil. 

"Come on... Let's get you back inside." I smiled slightly at him, he was nervous. I was okay with that, my quirk can be scary. Hell, I was scared of my quirk at a young age. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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