Chapter one: The beginning

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"Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come."

Haruki Murakami,

When Alice heard about the spores that could infect flies, she was intrigued. But I didn't pay attention to it that much. She continued on with her normal life.

"Alice!" She screeched for her attention.

"Amelia!" Alice's head twisted around to meet her twin's eyes, a grin making its way up to her face.

"Double-As!" A familiar voice calls for them, making the twins' eyes leave each other to find the voice.

Jenny boldly strode up to them and exclaimed, "I'm kinda thinking about skipping today and going to the park, want to join?"

"Unfortunately, I have like 3 tests today, that's not the best idea," said Alice sadly.

"3 tests? I thought we only had that one in Calc!" Jenny says, clearly confused.

"THERE'S ONE IN CALCULUS?!" Amelia and Alice shriek at the same time, panicking.

Jenny groans and mutters curses under her breath.

"Guess I won't be skipping then."

"Sounds like a plan." Alice faintly replies.

Dreading the tests, they walk up the stairs to form.

"Hey batteries! Are you throwing a birthday party?" Jenny speaks up out of nowhere. Alice and Amelia sigh, both severely hating that nickname Jenny gave them since their names start with A, and double-a batteries...

"Yes but if you keep calling us that then we won't invite you," Amelia remarks, always being the more cocky twin.

"Noo, I'm sorry!" Jenny says in a whiny voice.

"No, you're not, but whatever," Amelia rolls her eyes.

"Maybe not, but you love me either way so it doesn't matter" Jenny spits out between laughs.

"You're right, it will most likely be the week after our birthday. We are doing another survival guide the weekend of" Alice deadpans.

"Bruhh you're always doing those, what do you even know from survival guides." Jenny exclaims right as the ear piercing bell rings, signaling them to go to class.

"Sorry I have to go to class!" All of them say at the same time. Alice starts walking to her form class when a notification appears on her phone


She quickly clicks on it and to her surprise, an amazing article appears on how two scientists made a virus that can control the optic nerve in the brain of a fly by using spores. She knew she had to show it to her science teacher, Mrs. Frank. She sighs, knowing that that's so much later in the day. She finally walks to her class and the cold, uncanny atmosphere told her there was a surprise test or quiz happening. She sits down on her ice cold desk that she always gets her long blonde hair stuck in. She slowly lifts her head up to see her neighbor Henry glaring at her from across the room.

Henry and Alice were never very close. She thinks that Henry and Amelia were closer but she never really cared. She had her own friends, and so did Ameilia. One memory when they were kids popped into her head. They were at the nearby park on a sunny afternoon just Alice, Amelia, and Henry. But there was another kid there about the same age as them. They think she is the same age as her. . But the dreadful look in her eyes made her look years older. Ameilia clenched Alice's arm at the sight of her and gave her a knowing look.

"We have to talk to her" Ameilia whispers

"Follow my lead" Alice whispers back.

They start walking through the jungle of molten black top over to the bench the girl was sitting on.

" Hey, how are you doing!" Alice says without any hesitation. Her deep blue eyes look up shyly and brighten at the sight of other people. .

"Uhh I'm alright. Why?" the strange girl states.

"That's great! What's your name?" Alice says

"My name is Jenny" The girl, Jenny, says.

"Hey Jenny! I'm Amelia! " Amelia says Alice Cuts in and says,

"And I am Alice, we can show you our other friend Henry a bit!" The other girl smiles in return.

"Would you like to be friends?" Jenny shyly asks

"Of course!!!" Both twins say in unison.

Those few words were the start of an amazing friendship between those 4 people. Henry, Alice, Amelia, and Jenny.

Alice smiles at the memory and looks over to Henry.

Authors note: You should always be nice to people, no matter what. You don't have to bow over to them, but just a smile every now and then might just be the difference between suicide and "Just one more day."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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