It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

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The rumours about Diana and her agent spread like a wildfire following the last annual assessment, and they both know that they're confirming all of them by showing up together, as a couple, wearing outfits that were obviously chosen to go well together; with her dark grey cashmere jumper with a sophisticated reindeer pattern, along with a skirt made of the smoothest wool, and his favourite suit with a candy cane striped silk tie and gingerbread cufflinks.
She got these items for him, specifically for this occasion, and he didn't even protest once.

Earlier today, they were standing in front of the mirror together, admiring their matching reflections while going over everything one last time. 47 just has to say something, and they'll leave.

Diana knows he's doing this for her. She's aware of how nervous he actually is, even though he's trying his best not to let it show. He cares more than he lets on, not necessarily about his own reputation, but about hers; he doesn't want their co-workers to think less of her because of him, even though she doesn't worry about it, and he's always expecting someone to comment something about him that could make her change her mind.

She knows that, because he voiced his concerns when they first talked about attending the Christmas party together. She tried her best to reassure him, and right now it seems like she succeeded.

Now that they're here, he's fitting in surprisingly well, although she suspects that he might be playing a role tonight. He wouldn't be the only one.

They start with simple Christmas party activities, drinking mulled wine and eating cranberry and gingerbread éclairs while listening in on their co-workers' conversations.

People are gossiping, trying to be subtle about it, but there are a lot of rumours about him, and now he's here with his handler, and they are indeed a couple; Joan from marketing proudly announces that she didn't make this up, and Nathan from accounting swears he saw them kiss in an elevator once.

"Nathan is lucky that he didn't witness what we were doing in my office after that kiss," she whispers and smiles with delight when 47 chuckles into his mulled wine in response.

Soon their wine is gone, and 47 offers to go back to the bar and get a refill, but Diana simply says "my turn" and takes his mug. He looks a bit nervous to be left alone, but she trusts that he can handle this, and most co-workers are curious, but friendly.

When she looks back while standing in line, she sees that he's no longer alone; Jiao and Montgomery have approached him, and they seem to have a pleasant conversation. Diana wonders if what she heard about them might be true, they too seem to be more than just handler and agent. It would be sweet, she muses; in their line of work it's not easy to find someone and make it last.


She turns around at the sound of her name, and her team of analysts surrounds her, excited to see her. They share a few enjoyable moments of small talk, and Mary seizes the opportunity to cut the line and get her mulled wine with Diana's order.

47 keeps looking over to them, and they share a soft smile across the room.

Diana excuses herself and walks over to 47, handing him his mulled wine, and allows him to place his arm around her shoulder. He's holding her close, obviously he doesn't want her to leave again, and she has no plans to do so. With a reassuring kiss on his cheek, she stays, and joins the conversation.

Montgomery is eyeing them curiously, but Jiao simply smiles, and they both move a little closer to each other.
Maybe the rumours about them are true as well. Diana catches Jiao's eye and nods barely noticeable. That's something to ask her when she manages to catch her alone, perhaps after the holidays.

After Jiao and Montgomery excuse themselves, Diana and 47 make a few slow rounds and talk to people from different departments while intentionally avoiding getting close to Soders or any of the few Board members present.
Instead, they spend a few enjoyable moments talking to other handlers, analysts, cleaners; Jane from Weapons Development hints at an improved version of rubber ducks, she promises to send a few prototypes in after New Year's; a small group of poison specialists wants to have their photo taken with 47 for their break room; Steve from Special Effects is very passionate about recreating 47's missions for assessments and initiations and takes the opportunity to pick his brain and bounce a few ideas off him. He even confesses that he's responsible for the recent surge in 47's old assignments as training missions, "they're just more interesting than most of the old ones we used to rotate through!"

It's going great, and after two more cups of mulled wine 47 asks her to join the few couples on the dance floor.

They slow dance for a while, her face nuzzled into the crook of his neck, breathing in his expensive cologne. "You're doing great, I'm proud of you," she whispers. "Are you having fun?"

He nods, and she pulls him a little closer in return.

Diana makes it a point to smile and melt into his embrace, let him lead for this dance. It's not entirely for show, of course, she means it, she really does, but she wants their co-workers to see the truth about 47; not only those who already admire him for his skills, but those few who are wary of him.

Everyone should see how happy she is with him, realise that he is her partner; not her robot, not her weapon. Appearance is important to her, especially when surrounded by people with exceptional observational skills.

She knows that their co-workers are watching them dance, analysing their dynamic; she can feel their eyes, and she knows that 47 is aware of it too.
They're talking about him, they always are, and Diana knows fully well what awful things they used to say about him. They probably don't judge him as much now that she's with him. Or maybe they judge him even more, who knows.

"Let's take a little break," she whispers in his ear, and allows him to lead her out onto the roof terrace for a bit. It's cold, and it's beginning to snow, so 47 shrugs off his jacket and places it on Diana's shoulders, like the true gentleman he always is around her.

"What about you?" she asks, placing a hand on the small of his back.

"I can handle the cold."

"I know you can handle it, but I want you to be comfortable too." She smiles and pulls him a little closer, holding him in a sweet embrace as they're standing there, looking out into the night, simply watching the snow fall for a few quiet moments.

Diana is caressing his back again, her head leaning against his shoulder, and she can feel his tension melt away with each breath he takes.

"I'm really looking forward to our first Christmas together," he says quietly.

She presses a gentle kiss against his neck. "I'm looking forward to the rest of our lives together," she whispers, and he smiles in response.

 "I'm looking forward to the rest of our lives together," she whispers, and he smiles in response

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