Chapter 6

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Hallie Miller

"The first day of school is tomorrow, how did the summer go by so fast?" Robin asked, flopping on her back onto my bed.

"I know, it's so sad, my first semester classes are going to suck, especially biology," I sighed while opening my closet, "until then, help me pick out a first-day-outfit."

She rolled over, "I thought you liked science."

I pressed my lips together and turned around, "I do, I've just heard that this teacher isn't good," I lied.

"Oh, really? That's what happens when you take honors classes-" she gasped, "Ooh, what is that green shirt," she asked while hopping up.

"Oh, I got it a few weeks ago at a thrift store, it's just an off-the-shoulder tee."

"You should def' wear this with some jeans and your Reeboks!" She exclaimed while pulling out the rest of the outfit, "I'm concerned by the lack of dresses in here."

"I don't have dresses because, one, I don't wear them, and two, I have nowhere to wear them," I said as a took the outfit from her hands and placed the items on my bed.

"We'll, that's gonna change this year, we've got to get you a boyfriend. I mean, we're going to be seniors and you've only had one boyfriend your entire life," she explained.

"We'll, there actually is a guy-"

"What?! And you didn't immediately tell me?" She screamed as she put a hand over her heart, "Who is it? Do I know him? Did you meet him at the bonfire?"

"Jeez, Robin," I laughed, "It's really recent. I'm not sure if he likes me, but we have one class together first semester. You know who he is and you definitely won't approve..." I claimed, playing with a strand of my hair. I do this when I lie.

"So soon after the break-up? Are you sure this is a good idea?" She plowed more questions.

I rolled my eyes, "Stop judging me again, Rob, he's just a rebound. I don't expect something too serious."

"Who is it," she asked the most important question.

"Noah..." I said, internally shrinking, disappointed with myself for even saying the word.

She raised her eyebrows as closed her eyes, "I- you- he- like- like the Noah? Noah Carter?"

"Yes, I knew you wouldn't approve," I sighed.

"Only because I know how he has treated you the past three and a half years, Hallie. He basically tortured you all of eighth grade and freshmen year. Plus, he's not even a good guy, not a good rebound-guy either. He's gotten with, like, half the girls in our grade. But, I mean if you seriously like him..." she explained her disposition.

"I know, I know, but remember, it's nothing serious! I'm not even planning on... doing it with him. I just need a guy to get Ben off my mind, and also prove to Ben that I don't need him. And all I need right now is your support, unconditional support," I smiled.

She smiled too, "Oka-y. He has always been kinda hot."

I laughed and threw a pillow at her, "Robin!"

"Sorry! You want my support! I'm giving it to you the only way I know how!" We were both laughing.


The next day, I walk into my first period class; biology. I look around to see if Noah has arrived yet, and, of course, he is sitting in the back corner.

I sigh, this is going to be a hard semester, I always sit in the front because it is easier to focus. I got diagnosed last year with ADD, it's not bad since I've managed this far.

I hate first days of school. They seem like a waste of time to me. All of the teachers just go over "class rules," like they've changed since kindergarten. It's also so hard to wake up on the first day of school, knowing what kind of day lies ahead.

I pull out the seat next to him and he rolls his eyes up from his phone. "I forgot about this rule."

"Yeah, whatever," I say while I set my bag on the floor and start playing Sudoku before class starts.

The bell rings and the teacher starts, "Good morning first period, welcome to biology honors. We will start our lesson with ecosystems and your first project will be next week with your lab partner. You guys will be creating your own ecosystems in a jar, but this week we're going to go over lab safety and other important material..." he explained and I looked over at Noah who was already on his phone.

"Could you tell me a single thing he just said?" I asked him accusingly.

"No, that's why you're here," he said, not even sparing me a glance.

"Right," I sighed and began writing my notes, "why are you even in an honors class, anyway?"

"We have to have at least two honors classes on our schedule for football, I picked this and English," he said, still doing whatever he was doing on his phone. I wonder what his screen-time is.

"Makes sense, I guess," I said and stopped talking the rest of the class.


"Lunch, finally," Robin exclaimed as she set her tray down across from me. Kristen and Emma, our other mutual friends, sat down with us.

"Hey, guys," I said as I opened my lunchbox, "how have y'all's classes been?"

"Ugh, draining, I don't know how I'm gonna make it through this semester without a mental breakdown," Robin claimed dramatically, "I don't have any cute boys in any of my classes, how am I supposed to get a cute tutor," she pouted.

I laughed, "You have a serious problem, Rob," I said as I took a bite out of my sandwich.

"Oh, speaking of! Hallie, did I see you sitting next to Noah in biology," Kristen leaned in and I stopped chewing, Kristen and Emma don't really know about my history with him, I also didn't realize that she was in the same biology class as me.

I finished chewing, "Oh, ha-ha, yeah I was."

"O-M-G he is so hot, you're so lucky!" Emma said.

I fake laughed, "Yeah it's nothing, I don't know-"

"Are y'all dating? Have y'all been hanging out? When did it start? I don't remember ever seeing you two together," Emma asked.

"Emma, calm down, this is all really recent, right Hallie," she looked back at them, "By the way, I don't support."

"Robin! Come on, he's not that bad, he's a great person when you get to know him," I cringed, "and yes, Emma, it's really recent, but we are planning on going to the next party together."

Kristen gasped, "Max's back to school party that he throws every year? That's where shit goes down. Weren't there, like, two fights and someone passed out in the pool last year? Anyway, Emma and I are skipping this year," she put a hand over her mouth to hide from Emma and whispered, "She almost got caught in the crossfire last year, I think she's traumatized."

I laughed and looked over at Emma who was eating her salad, she didn't hear what Kristen had said.

"Yeah we're probably just going to watch movies or something at Kristen's house. It wasn't even that fun last year."

I didn't even know there was a party, I just said that as a general statement. I'm a little scared now.


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