diego lainez: halloween /

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"Van a ir a la fiesta el Sabado?" Kevin asked me before sitting down next to me while Diego was trying to make himself a bowl of cereal. 

"Porque no tienes ningún cereal que me gusta?" Diego complained before getting a bland cereal. 

"Porque no vas a tu propio casa" I said rolling my eyes before I felt him sit down next to me. I turned to Kevin as Diego continued eating "De que es la fiesta el Sabado?"

"Halloween" he said before getting a sip of his coffee. "Deberíamos de disfrasar como grupo" 

"Como que?" I asked before a thought struck me "Kevin tu deverias de ser el hombre murciélago (batman), yo soy harley quinn y diego el guasón (joker)"

Diego gave me a blank stare "me miras como payaso?" i rolled my eyes before exclaiming

"Diego! Nomas es un disfrase. Ademas me gusta el joker mas que batman" before realizing I had basically just said I like Diego more than Kevin to which Diego smiled and Kevin gave me a glare. No one had known that I've actually grown small feelings for Diego because there was no one to tell. Kevin was really my only friend other than Diego himself and he would tell Diego the instant I told him.

"Yeah, entonces lo hacemos" Diego agreed as well as Kevin. 


It was now Saturday and I had been close to finishing my makeup which was just a simple base with dark eyeliner with a red smokey eye look. I based the Harley Quinn off of the original comics because I favored the black and red combo. I tied my hair into high pigtails adding a red ribbon that stood out. 

The actual costume was a tight long sleeve black and red top and keeping the same combo with the shorts on top of black fish net tights and red boots with black laces. I was proud of my costume but I started to grow worried about Diego and Kevins costume. They were meant to meet up at my place 10 minutes ago and they still were not here. 

Instead of knocking the two barged in after like 5 minutes. 

"Perdon, Diego se queria maquillar" Kevin said and I turned to Diego who seemed to still have trouble with the lipstick. 

"Y/n me puedes ayudar?" he asked me to hand the red lipstick to me. We sat down and I neared his face, almost near inches apart as I tried to apply it a bit messy making sure to smother it near his lips with my finger towards near his mid cheeks. I stayed still for a couple of seconds before sitting back down. 

Kevin gave me a strange look sensing something from the two but ignored it by not questioning us further. 

"Ya vamos" Kevin urged us as I quickly got my stuff before we left in Kevins car with me sitting in the back even though I will probably be the designated driver as I almost never drink. 

We entered the place and there were already people trying to serve us drinks to which Kevin and Diego took quickly while I declined. The party was roaring with music and scattered people all over. 

I already knew that Kevin and Diego were bound to  head to the dance floor and I always end up alone in the kitchen. I sat on one of the kitchen island stools pouring myself a drink in a red cup so I didn't look like a total loser not that I really cared what people thought. 

"No vas a bailar?" Diego asked coming up to me, I shook my head as he sat next to me. I turned to the dance floor asking

"No vas acompañar Kevin?"

"Ya tiene suficiente compañia" he said as I spotted Kevin with three other girls around him making me laugh a bit. "Quieres ir afuera?" 

"okay" I said simply as we both got up. He took my hand making sure we didn't separate but I couldn't help but feel warm inside. Once we arrived outside, there were a lot less people and I expected him to let go but instead he intertwined our hands together for security. 

"Te acuerdas el primar dia que nos conosimos?" he asked as he walked on the sidewalk of the neighborhood which was definitely not the safest thing to do in the middle of the night but considering it was a 'safe' neighborhood I didn't mind too much. 

"estabamos en el sexto grado y me encontrastes en el parque llorando porque se me ha caido mi helado y fue culpa tuya" I said nudging his shoulder. "Luego me dijiste que me ivas a comprar otra y la proxima semana me la compraste" 

"Tienes gran memoria" he complimented making me smile a bit. 

"Pero como supiste que iba estar alli ese dia?" I asked just now wondering. 

"No sabia" he shrugged making me gather a confused look. "Todos los dias de la semana compre un helado esperando para ti" 

"Eres tan carinoso" I said trying my best not to blush. 

"Desde el momento que te vi me gustabas" he said just above a whisper. I thought I was hearing things. 

"Que?" I asked him to repeat it. I stopped walking forcing him to stop as well. He looked at me making eye contact. 

"Me gustas y/n" he said not hesitating to make eye contact. "Nunca te dije porque siempre pense que nunca me pensaras como mas de un amigo. Pero ya no importa porque estoy aqui diciendote que me gustas" 

I was silent for a couple of seconds and I could feel his hand wanting to depart so without much thought I leaned up to him and kissed him. It felt weird at first considering his face was already smothered in lipstick but at the moment it didn't matter. 

I went back down and was about to scatter from embarrassment but he grabbed my face and connected our lips once again this time with not as much force but passion instead. We both departed with a hint of smile from both of us before we heard from a distance 

"Le voy a dicer a todos" 


a/n I feel better now so I'll update more now.

HOW IS THIS ALREADY GETTING 2k READS?!! I swear I started this as a joke but I might actually have to continue this...

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