The Beginning of The Saga of Sunny and Shine

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Once Upon A Time on a farm, a kind mother duck lived with her two little ducklings. "Hello, my little duckies!" quacked the Mama as she flew into their nest near the barn on the farm.
    "Hi, Mama Ducky!" cried the cute little babies, who were called Sunny and Shine.
      The mother smiled, "Time for regurgitation in your mouths, kids!" she cried. "Yummy!" they quacked back eagerly.
      But right after Mama finished feeding the babies, a big scary wolf appeared! "Yum! I want to eat your kids!" he said, licking his wolf lips.
     "OH NO!" screamed Sunny and Shine, "IT IS INVADING OUR DUCKIE NEST BY A FARM!!!!".
    The duckies cried and screamed, flapping their little duckie wings fearfully as the wolf advanced toward the helpless babies and their kindly mother, contemplating how many points they would be worth on Weight Watchers. "I'M SCARED!" cried Shine, the older duckling.
"EVACUATE, CHILDREN!!!!!" answered Mama, pushing her kids away from the ugly wolf. But, Sunny, the smaller one, got in the wolf's way anyway somehow and bit his foot. The wolf howled in pain, holding his foot. He slapped Sunny with his ugly wolf hand.
   "AHH! OUCH MAMA IT SLAPPED ME!" she quacked. But sadly for the duckies, the farmer that lived on the same farm heard their desperate quacks for help. "Why are those ducks quacking so much? It is getting annoying!!! I will shoot 'em!" he thought in a farmer kind of way, grabbing his farmer shotgun. He marched over to the nest farmerlyly. At the sound of a human, more specifically a farmerly farmer, the wolf had fled, and the duckies thought they were saved. But the farmer had the dark farmerly intentions of a farmer. He grabbed his farmer shotgun and shot Mama Duck like a farmer. She couldn't get out of the way in time. The ducklings stared in horror at their dying mother and the farmerly mumbling farmer-like farmer as he walked away in a farmerly farmer farmer farmer-like farmer way.
    "MAAAAAMAAAAAA!!" they cried, rushing over to her. "MOMMY NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Shine sobbed as Sunny crouched next to her, also sobbing.          "MAMA MAMA PLEASE!" quacked Shine, as Sunny cried next to their mother. Mama Duck took a rasping breath, coughing, and spoke weakly, "R-run...Fly away...for m-me...I love you...".  She then took a breath, then nothing.
      For the first time in the ordeal, Sunny spoke, "I LOVE YOU PLEASE DON'T DIE!!!!!" she cried, bursting into sobs again, burying her head in her wings.
     Shine and Sunny clutched each other, crying for their mother. But they must keep going, and leave their home behind.

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