Nine Months Later...

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"Hi, Honies!" quacked Alejandro and Citrus as they walked into the nest.
    "Hi!" responded the prego ducks. "Don't forget, Sunny! You have a doctor's appointment today!" Citrus said as he sat down.
    "Don't forget, Shine! We leave on our four-month cruise to Hawaii today!" said Alejandro as he sat down. Both wifeys nodded.
     Later, after Shine and Alejandro left on their cruise, Sunny said, "Citrus...?" "Yes babe?" he responded absent-mindedly. "You know our ducklings? And how they're due to hatch any day now?" she asked. "Yes," Citrus said. "Well...That thing...that hatching thing...IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT FORKING NOW!!" "Mhm-hm," Citrus said calmly, then stopped dead. "OH GOOSENESS.".
   He shoved Sunny in a duckie car because they couldn't fly with eggs and gently lowered their three eggs inside as well. He drove like a manic to the duckie hospital.
    At the hospital, as Sunny did her Lamaze breathing on the cracking eggs, Citrus yelled at random doctors that did not help with delivering children, " GET MY KIDS IN A HATCHING ROOM!!!" At that point, three nurses had fainted from stress.
     With all rooms full until midnight, Citrus decided to take matters into his own wings. He slapped on some duckie gloves and put the eggs in position. "COME ON!!" he screamed at the eggs, " HATCH, MY BEAUTIFUL BABIES! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, GOSH FORKING DARN IT!!"
    Everyone watched the two duckies in a waiting room delivering baby ducks in awe.
      After many aggressively loving encouragements, the eggs cracked and where then hatched. "Three healthy ducklings-two males and a female," Citrus said, clenching his beak. "Thank you." responded Sunny as she fed the duckies.
       "We need to name them..." Sunny said a few minutes later, "How about Clementine for the female?" she mused as the ducklings cried.  
       "Beautiful!" Citrus somehow purred.
      "And what about Alex and Sky for the boys?" Sunny asks while the ducklings squirm around her. 
      "Yes." Citrus again purrs. Then, by a stroke of unnatural creative writing and just because, everyone in the hospital somehow purrs. "PURR!!! PURR!!! PURR!!!" Everyone chants.

     But suddenly, the loudspeaker came on. "WE HAVE TO GO INTO LOCKDOWN!!! THERE IS AN INTRUDER IN THE BUILDING!!! GET INTO BASEMENT NOW!!!" Then a storm of ducks dash towards the basement doors, screaming. Sunny flew like the wind, carrying her duckies.
     Everyone rushed to the basement. Everyone in the basement huddled together. Citrus hears a howl from the wolf as Clementine cried. Then, the lights went out. Citrus huddled closer to Sunny and the babies, stroking Sunny's back while all the babies whimpered.
    Suddenly a giant wolf broke down the basement door. "GIVE ME YOUR BABIES", It growled demonically as foam dripped from its jaws. The wolf looked around, but everyone had escaped through the vent.
   " I THINK IT HAS RABIES!" Citrus whispers to everyone, scaring them even more. Suddenly, a big wolf hand with exquisitely manicured claws grabbed Jimmy, who was a patient at the hospital. The wolf is in the vent! The perfectly manicured, but otherwise mangy arm is on the hunt again, lunging for any duck to make its next meal. The wolf's arm was about to grab Sunny, but Citrus jumped in the way and the wolf grabbed him. "RUN! RUN WITH THE DUCKLINGS!" Citrus shouts. But Sunny was tired of running.
Putting her children down with a nurse, she walked up to the wolf. "NOT AGAIN YA STUPID WOLF!" Sunny shouted, kicking him in the face as Citrus broke free from the wolf jaws. Citrus lay on the linoleum floor, panting and nursing his wounds. "Are the babies okay, Sunny?" he asked through his pain. "I think so," Sunny said, panting from kicking the wolf in the face with all her might, "I think it's all alright."
        The next weeks were spent cleaning the hospital. Apparently, the wolf had fled, nursing a broken jaw after Sunny confronted him. They all nursed wounds from that night. Every duckie there that fateful night was in extensive therapy and suffered from PTSD. Jimmy was mourned forever. Citrus, years later, will still have the marks the wolf teeth left on his torso. But he doesn't mourn his body. He is proud he sacrificed himself for Sunny, his wife, his one true love, and their beautiful children. They are happy. But little did any of them know....

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