When the Tomboyish GF tries to be Ladylike

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Nooshy and Johnny have been together for 4 years now. Many of the Moon Theater fans wondered if they're even married. Despite their differences, they fit together like puzzle pieces. Having each other makes them complete.

Nooshy never expected that, she herself is gonna fall for someone. She can't help but feel lucky to fall for such a guy, not only because he's a successful singer in a theater. But a guy who's a gentleman, treating her like a lady even though she's a boyish one, accepting her as herself and even gets to share her love in music with her dancings.

The lynx was always the queen in their relationship. That Johnny has always been there for her. Like when she sprained her ankle from dancing he was there to look after her and treat her injuries, he cooks her dinner, helping her find a job and apartment, and simply just being there whenever she felt lonely and needs help. She was happy to have him.

Then one day she ran in a panic to the theater, when she heard from her friend Porsha that he had collapsed in the middle of their practice.

"What happened to him?!" She yell so loud as she just entered the room, out of breath.

"Calm down Noosh, he's just got a fever. I bet Porsha said something that makes you panic?" Ash answered as she glared at the female wolf who is now giggling in fear.

"Haaah you guys made me worried!" The dancer sigh in relief as she approached her lover at his side, holding his hands. "Hey babe? You alright?"

"I'm fine, my head just hurts." He answered smiling at her with a hint of pain in his voice. Then he heard her sigh loudly, clearly angry.

"Geez you've been over working lately and I told you to take a shower after the rain yesterday!" She gently yelled.

"Sorry ma'am." He gulp.

"Whatever…" The tiny lynx helped him sit up and tried to help his big body up. "Come on, let's take you home to rest."

The rest of the gang helped her as they take the sick gorilla home.

AT HOME: When the Moon Theater group left. Nooshy helped him lay down in bed.

"Now! You lay down there and stay still. I'll try to make ourselves some dinner." She said, placing a wet towel on his forehead.

"Noosh, you don't have to trouble yourself from doing that. My dad can make it for me once his home." He replied, trying to stop her.

"Nope! Leave it to me." His girlfriend pushed him back. Disappearing to the kitchen.

"Can you even cook babe?! I might get a stomachache!" He asked, clearly teasing her.

"Shut up babe! I'm trying to help here!" She yelled back, hearing him laugh at the other side of the room. She did burned the cookies they tried to make last Christmas.

She just really wanted to be a good girlfriend for him after all the good things he had done. She may seem like someone who takes him for granted, but she also always wanted to do something for him in exchange.

Much to her dismay, she did ended up messing her cooking and it taste so weird that she didn't get the taste she wanted.

"Oh no, sigh what do I expect? I've always been a terrible cook that I can't even cook for my boyfriend." Nooshy sigh in defeat. For as long as she can remember, she hates girly stuff, that includes cooking.

"Heh, need a little help there child?" She heard a manly voice, when she followed the source it was none other than her boyfriend's father, Marcus.

"Errr… hey, I-I mean Good evening sir!" She greeted, feeling nervous talking to him eversince she dated his son. The elder chuckles

"Heh, don't be shy little girl. I've always known you and my son have been together since for what? 4 years? You guys may never announce it, but you two clearly are. I've known you long enough to be your pal. " He gave him the most warmest smile as he patted her back. "So you can call me Dad now, you have become more like a daughter to me. It's only a matter of time that my son will ask you to marry him."

He laughed, watching her face turned redder, covering her face. "Okay… Dad."

"That's more like it!" He then looked at her cooking, that is clearly not well made. "I see cooking is not your strong suit."

"Yeah, I'm definitely not a wife material to your son. Being a lady is not really my thing." She said, as she started to set aside the mess she made.

"I can tell." He said, to her surprise, Marcus then started grabbing some of her ingredients along with some spices on the shelves. "But you seem to be trying to be one for him, and that's enough for me to be convince that you're perfect for him."

He winked, that made her heart flutter just the thought of being accepted by his boyfriend's father. "Now little lady, I'll help you fix this soup. I've been cooking ever since his mom pass away. I'm glad Johnny finally has someone to do that for me."

"Thanks Dad." She smiled wider, feeling happy to have a father figure that she never gets to have.

The lynx spent her entire night learning to cook with her new dad-in-law. That the kitchen is filled with laughter and funny stories about his boyfriend's childhood to adulthood.

Once they're done, Big Daddy decided to give them some alone time by allowing both of them to have dinner in his room. As she entered the room she saw him smile at her as he sat up. Hearing their favorite music, playing in the background.

"Hey… I heard you and Dad are getting along." He spoke up with a fond smile on his face.

"Surprisingly, we are!" She grinned as she placed down their dinner on the bed table.

"Heh I'm glad." He gazed at her, admiring her beauty as he saw her getting distracted of setting down some plates for them.

"Here, your dad helped me cook this. It's probably not that good as his, but… I did whatever I could." She said trying to hold her blush, which somehow failed.

Johnny couldn't help but giggle at his girlfriend's effort of hiding that she cares so much. He carresed her hands as he placed a peck on it. "Thank you."

"It's the least I could do."

"Least? Having you in my life is more than enough. So thank you…"

The tomboy felt her girly insides squeal, realizing how much she's in love with this guy. Crushing him into a hug.

"Hey, you'll get sick!" He panicked but she just laughed it up.

"Hahah I don't care." She snuggled closer. "I love you big guy…"

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