Lost in mt xolo!

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"I guess it's time to continue on" Troy said "right" Dave said as they both continued to twin village "theres a split path!" Troy said "do we go forward or turn?" "we probably turn" Dave said as they turned and walked towards what seemed like a mountain with a random cave carved into it "do we go in?" Troy asked "we should" Dave said as they went into Mt xolo. They found a fox-looking monster this had been th 1st 1 they found so Troy pointed his monsterdex at it "xolo, the fox monster, original, this monster has ears that can hear from up to 1000 miles away" the monsterdex explained. They seen 5 more after that but Troy couldnt catch any of them until "look" Troy said "do you think I can catch this 1" Troy asked as he threw his monster ball at it and finally caught it but Troy realized something, Troy realized that they were lost! They had gone the wrong way! "We should find our way out of here" Troy said but they suddenly heard a bang Bang Bang Bang Bang at the top of the cave "guess who's back!" starty said "that's right it's team Galaxy and we want that xolo!" "well your not having it!" Troy said "then I guess it's the hard way" starty said as Troy sent out broged! "Broged use rock crush!" Troy commanded as brogeds claws turned sharp and crushed starty "ow" starty said as he tries to get up "roller we should do IT" Troy said

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