Chapter 7 - First task

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Bluey and Indy went back to class but they were twenty minutes late.

" Girls, just because it's the second day of school doesn't mean you can walk in whenever you want " Their teacher said.

Their homeroom teacher, Mrs Samantha is a German Shepherd.

" We're sorry " Bluey apologized.

" Ok, go take your seats " She said as she pointed to two empty seats at the back.

" Now that we're complete, let me introduce myself, My name is Mrs Samantha, and I'll be your Homeroom teacher, that means I'm in charge of this class and everything that goes on in it, I won't be taking you on any subject, you'll have other teachers for that. I want you to know that I love all my students and I want us to act as one family, so no bullying, no fighting, no Tormenting and no insulting. and if anything is bothering you, feel free to come to me, ok, hope that's understood " She concluded.

" Yes " echoed the whole class.

" Ok, I'm gonna take attendance, so if you hear your name just say present ok " she said

( Too lazy to write everyone's name )

" Ok last but not least, where's Jean luc? " Mrs Samantha asked.

The whole class was silent as everyone looked around and noticed he was not in class.

Bluey looked at Indy who was now her seat partner with a worried face.

" Ok, maybe he's not coming today " Mrs Samantha said. " Anyway, now that that's done your first class is Chemistry so that would be upstairs second class to your left, bye " She said as they walked out of the class.

Indy and Bluey were walking together until Chloe and Coco joined them.

" Where were you guys? " Chloe asked.

" Somewhere " Indy replied rudely as she walked away dragging Bluey along with her.

Coco and Chloe stood there astonished

" What was that for? " Bluey asked Indy when they reached the stairs.

" I'm sorry do you want people to die? " Indy asked Bluey with a serious look on her face.

" What? " Bluey asked.

" Look, rule number two is don't tell anyone anything, the more time we spend with them means the higher the chances of us telling them which puts us and them in danger " Indy said.

" Yeah, you're right, the last thing I want is for someone else to caught in this mess " Bluey said as they finally reached the class room .

They took the last seat near the window.

" Let's review what we got " Indy said as she sat down.

" We are players in this weird game, you're the second player and I'm the third, we are going to be given tasks and we have to obey them or we'll die " Bluey said.

" Yeah we'll be getting our tasks today, so get ready to receive a text from nightmare " Indy said

" Yeah, let me get my phone " Bluey said as she searched for her phone but couldn't find it. " I can't find my phone...I could have sworn I put it here " she said as she continued to look for it. " Where's yours? " She asked.

" I don't know " Indy replied after realizing that she can't find hers

" Maybe we left it Back at the class " Bluey said

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