Chapter 28- Indy

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Thoughts, bad thoughts.
That's all I've been thinking about ever since that bastard took Honey.
She doesn't deserve any of this, she's not even a player in this messed up game of his.
The worst kind of thoughts flowed through my mind all day and I couldn't stop myself from crying.
When I got unto the bus in the morning I saw Bluey, she looked extremely sad. Mackenzie was with her and was trying to comfort her, he's a good guy. I went to find a different place to sit and I happened to sit next to Rusty.
I know Rusty hates me, after what I did to him of course he'd hate me.
He started ignoring me and whenever he'd talk to me, he'd talk harshly. I know it's not his fault, I hurt him, really badly and it's all thanks to nightmare.
If I ever find out who nightmare is, I'll kill him, for ruining my life.

But in a very, very weird way I was kinda a little bit happy knowing that he got angry when I turned him down. It made me think that he might actually like me, maybe. Yeah I'm weird

When Rusty talked to me I was actually surprised cuz I thought he'd hate me forever. I wanted things to go back to how they were, Rusty and I being friends... maybe more than JUST FRIENDS.

But I couldn't, talking to him is only going to get him involved in everything, and I can't let that happen. So I decided to avoid contact with him.

But of course he had to be such a gentleman and sit with me while I cry for my kidnapped friend. Then Jack just had to come in at that exact time and ask if someone died. I don't blame him though, No one told Jack about it, but his questions made me think things, I quickly pushed those thoughts away.

I know I shouldn't give up hope, but, nightmare doesn't joke around. Our deadline was today but we failed.

I mean, how can nightmare even expect us to find Honey. He didn't give us any clues whatsoever. It was practically impossible, but then again, it is nightmare we're dealing with. He's a complete psychopath.

I practically cried throughout first period.
Then Rusty suggested we ditch second period. I was hesitant about it at first but I decided to, it's not like I'm gonna learn anything today, not with my state of mind at least.

Rusty and I claimed a tree. I was scared at first but then I got used to it. I've always known Rusty to love these kind of things.
We sat in silence for a little while, then I decided to start a conversation with him, it's been long since we've actually talked.

" So, are you still planning on joining the army? " I asked not knowing what else to talk about.

" Oh, so now you wanna talk " he replied. I deserved that.

" Sorry " I said and looked away.

" I didn't mean to make you feel bad. But yeah. Joining the army has always been my dream, it's really cool " he answered. " What about you? What are you planning on doing when you grow up? "

" Oh, I'm gonna be a doctor, nurse actually, the one who helps pregnant women, I think they're called gynaecologists " I answered.

" Cool " he replied. Well there goes the conversation. What now? What does two people of different genders do when they're on top of a tree and a cool breeze is blowing?

" Indy? " Rusty called. I love it when he says my name, it makes me feel weird inside.

" Yeah? "

" Why didn't you want to go on a date with me? "

Oh shit. What am I even supposed to say, a psychotic maniac told me not to.
" Oh, I had to complete the project" I replied.

" Ok so that means we can still go on a date? " He asked. Time to shut it down.

" No, Rusty we can't, I'm sorry " I felt bad having to tell Rusty this. I really did want to go on a date with him but because of that stupid nightmare I have to say no.

" Why not? "

" Because we just can't "

" Look Indy " he took a deep breath " the thing is, I really like you, like I really really like you and I...I thought you liked me back, that's why I kept asking you, but since you don't, you can just say so " he said looking away disappointed.

That made my heart skip a beat. I've always wondered how it felt like to have butterflies in you stomach but now I know.

Rusty liked me

" Rusty, I...I like you too " I said looking at my feet as my face began to heat up.

" Really? " He asked sounding excited.

" Yeah " I replied.

" Ok then why won't you go out with me? " He asked again. I hated having to tell him no, but I just don't want him to get involved with nightmare.

" Because my parents won't let me " I lied. I hated lying but I've been doing a lot of it recently.

" Oh, you could have just said that, you made it sound like you didn't like me " he said. I was glad he actually believed that.

" Sorry " I mumbled.

" It's fine, just because we can't go out doesn't mean we can't..."
I looked up at him wanting to hear the rest of his sentence but found his face very close to mine, he looked all over my face then his eyes landed on my lips

Is he going to do what I think he's going to do.

I didn't even have time to process my thoughts when Rusty cupped a hand around my cheek and pulled my lips unto his. It was like time itself had stopped. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest.


I didn't know what else to do than to kiss him back, so I did. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. The kiss was slow and passionate. I was enjoying every second of it...

Until my stupid phone rang.
I pulled away from Rusty to see who was calling. I heard Rusty muttering curses at who ever was calling. It made me smile knowing he liked the kiss just as much as I did.

That smile quickly dropped when I saw the contact name.


of all the people in the whole universe, it just had to be him.

I quickly answered the call.

" Hello " I said trying to make my happiness.

" Hello Indy how are you? " He asked also faking his kindness. He's just making fun of me.

" Great and you? " I replied. I hated this guy soo much. I glanced over at Rusty, he was just staring at me waiting for me to end the call so we could continue what we were doing. I smiled at him. I made sure Rusty couldn't hear what I was discussing with nightmare.

" It's been great " he paused " well, I just called to say, I'm sorry "

" For what? " I asked in confusion.

" For your loss, your friend Honey is dead " he replied.

This time not only did time stop, but the universe also stopped, the earth stopped spinning and everything stopped moving. Everything was frozen, it was all frozen.

No, I was frozen. My breathing stopped, I couldn't inhale or exhale, I couldn't move or talk, I was frozen, all I could think of was what nightmare said.

Honey is Dead

I somehow lost balance and fell off the tree. I hit my head hard on the ground. I couldn't even feel the pain of the impact.
I couldn't feel anything.

And just like that....

It all went pitch black.


Author's note

After that very ridiculously long wait, I finally updated.
Anyway, how's everyone?
It's been so long.
So finally a chapter in Indy's POV
So yeah, the Rusty and Indy ship has finally sailed. What do we think?

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