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"Your brother is Liam freaking Payne?!" I whisper shout, "Is that why you wouldn't talk about him, oh and that's why you had to get the ball, because they're scared to show their faces!"

"First of all, yes, that is why I wouldn't talk about him, second, I had to fetch the ball cause they forced me. And I mean, I didn't really lie to you!" She replies as she jumps onto her bed.

"You said he just came back for uni!" I exclaim at her as I stand in front of her.

"Okay, yeah. But other then that, I didn't lie!" She says with her finger in my face. I shove it aside and go back to the desk to finish off my homework, which is fairly difficult when you just met One Direction in the most awkward way possible.

I realize that after one more thing I'll be done. I finish it off quickly and close my books loudly. I spin around in the chair for a while before looking at Lily who's also just finished her homework.

"Are you still hungry?" Lilu asks as she looks at me. I nod my head and look up at her, "Do you wanna eat downstairs or up here?"

"I'll eat wherever you eat." I answer her. She nods her head and indicates for me to follow her. I stand up and walk behind her as we walk down the stairs until we reach the living room, the boys sitting there and watching a movie, we walk in the kitchen, she opens the cupboard and grabs some chips and cookies. She shoves them all in my arms before heading to the fridge where she grabs drinks.

"Can I have some?" Zayn and Niall say behind us at the same time. Lily looks at them, smiling sincerely and opens her mouth to say, "No." Harsh. We head upstairs but I can hear us being followed.

"Oh come on! You can't eat that all on your own!" Niall complains, as he runs in front of us with Zayn following close behind.

"You can watch us if you like?" Lily offers, both the boys stop in  their tracks and fake gasp, "You horrible woman!" Zayn shouts at Lily from behind us.

I lightly chuckle and follow Lily inside her room before feeling a hand on ky shoulder. The other hand grabs one bag of chips and one packet of cookies, throwing it at Lily, I look up to see Zayn with an amused look on his face.

"Poor Asteria, this girl is a bad influence. Come with us and we'll inlighten you." Niall says from next to me.

"No, thanks" I answer, I turn around but then feel myself being lifted off of the ground and over someones shoulder, " Do not resist the law, miss!" Zayn shouts.

"Help." I squeak, I look at Lily who is currently bargaining with Niall. I look at the floor and start kicking, "Don't resist!" Zayn shouts yet again and tosses me onto a sofa. I look up to see Harry and Liam dying of laughter, Louis and Zayn sharing high fives and fist bumps and Lily on Nialls shoulder.

"Officer Zayn," I say, playing along with their game, "May I please get my snacks! I'll share!"

"Fine! But get your snacks and come back immediately,  I don't want to have to pick you up again!" I nod my head and go to Lily's room, getting both of our snacks.

What an eventful day.

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