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"So, you're going to come back... right momma?" 

The young kits eyes glowed, their short tail stuck up straight in the air. "I... yes. I'll be back. Just stay here." The kits mother stared at them, uneasy. "Ok!" The kit mewed excitedly, purring softly. "Wait, momma?" The kit spoke up just before their mother left. "Do you know anything about my dad?" The kits mother stopped, turning around quickly. "Do not bring your father up. He was an awful cat." The kit tilted her head. "What did he do?" The kits mother turned around and hissed. "I said don't talk about him! You already look too much like him... even your voice reminds me of him." The kit went silent as her mother padded off, her tail lashing. "I'm nothing like him... right? Just because my voice sounds a BIT like a toms voice doesn't mean I am him." The kit tried to convince themself as they drifted to sleep.

Rose wandered the undergrowth, hoping to catch something for her kits before the sun rose.              She shivered a bit; the cold night wind blew through her cream and ginger fur. Rose scented the cold air, smelling something strange. Another cat? She lowered herself in the bushes, spotting a tiny bundle of fur on the ground. "What the..." The small creature shivered, until their ears perked up and they looked around. "Mama?" 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙨 𝙖 𝙠𝙞𝙩! Rose thought to herself. She slowly crept out of the bushes, towards the shivering, skinny kit. The kit jumped. "You're not momma!" They squealed, fur fluffing up, eyes widening. "Don't worry... erm... how long have you been out here?" The kit looked down. "I'm waiting for my momma. She hasn't come back for a while, maybe a day?" Rose stared at the tiny kit. "I... Don't think she's coming back..." The kit looked up, nodding a bit. "I know..." Rose felt bad for the poor kit. "Hey... You can come with me." The kits eyes brightened. "Really?" Rose smiled and nodded. "Of course, my other kits recently lost their brother unfortunately... they might enjoy having you around." The kit stared at her for a bit, before following her as she padded away. "I'm sorry about your kit..." Rose smiled softly, cleaning the top of the kit's head and picking them up, walking to her den.

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