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I look at the maid, with an indecipherable look, but somewhat worried. I wake up a few moments later, looking at my daughter. She looks at me, equally confused.

''Look, my love. Take Yaemon and Aerys and go to my bedchamber. You'll be wanted more than ever by whoever comes in at the moment, so you'll be safe there. "Gōntan ao shifang?'' (Did you understand?)

She nods, a sign that she understands, what I asked her, running with graceful but quick steps towards her brothers' room. Then, unobserved, the servant disappears, and I leave for the council chamber. I was more than sure that Aegon was behind the whole plan, he must realize by now that we had left without a trace. I clench my fists, then relax them. Either he was coming after us with peaceful thoughts, which was too unlikely to happen, or he realized the act of treachery we had committed.

''Daemera. Where are the children?'' My husband asks me. His first thought was not of the war to come, but of his children, which was selflessly worshipful. He seemed to put aside all the recent arguments we'd had.

''Safe in our chamber. What's going on out there?''

''The sentry guards have spotted dragons flying in this direction.'' Daemon replies, pointing to the direction the dragons flew on the stone map. He points towards Dragonstone.

''How many were there?'' Lucerys asks.

''At least their entire flying fleet. All the dragons.''

This stuns Rhaenyra, who stares blankly. She had no military experience; she had left everything revolving around that subject to Daemon. So, in this case, her orders weren't exactly the best to follow. There was silence around the table, until Jacaerys spoke from somewhere near his mother. ''Does that mean we have to hold them off from the air?''

Daemon seems to be thinking about this option, but I speak up. ''Not all dragons are strong enough. Viselor, Vermax and Arrax at least didn't participate in any fights, let alone one with Sunfyre and Tessarion.''

''They'll fight now.'' Daemon says, looking me straight in the eye. Aemond puts his hand on his belt, in which he had a dagger. ''And when I say now, I mean now.'' He looks at everyone in the room, at least those who had a dragon. From Rhaenyra, to Lucerys. Then he spoke. He seemed to be thinking hard, about a plan he hoped wouldn't fail. It was all or nothing.


''You will take Tessarion and attack the western flank of the island. I want the target to be the back of the Castle, and maybe even Dragonmont. Someone will accompany you...Cellina with Morghul.'' Aegon says, climbing onto his own dragon. Sunfyre growled and shrieked impatiently. Daeron looked at him, blankly.

Cellina was a young woman, thin and quick-witted, who had been rewarded by Aegon for training the dragon that was to belong to Jaehaera. At this level, Aegon would not have kept dragons with potential in the Dragonpit, when there were hardly any so-called dragon trainers who were not of the blood of Old Valyria.

''What about the rest?'' Ser Criston asks.

''Dreamfyre controlled by Homer will attack the east, and I with Sunfyre and Mellina with Shrykos will come from the front. You, Ser Arryk, stay at King's Landing and protect my niece in the siege. Ser Criston, you attack the castle with a few trusted guards. Only when it comes to a pinch you will call in the rest of the army. Does everyone understand what they have to do?''

Everyone nods, climbing each into their dragon's saddle. Aegon however doesn't think about whether those dragon trainers will be their permanent masters. Nor had he thought if they would survive the war that was coming.

''Let's go!''


The air had cooled, and freezing breezes blew through every cloud we passed. But Viselor didn't mind too much. He flew smoothly over the cold waters of various shades of blue below, while I watched, through the not very dense clouds, the surroundings. I could hear the air swirling behind my ears, making them even more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, however, I saw a shadow entering a cloud, not too far from me. I slowly pat Viselor on the white scales, pointing in his direction. ''Bona ñuhoso, Viselor. Māzigon va.'' (That way, Viselor. Come on.)

I didn't even need to tell him, apparently. He felt the presence, too, and he was flying towards the cloud. It wasn't dense, I guess he'd just passed by. But a howl, definitely a dragon's howl, could be heard in our immediate vicinity. Before I knew it, the dragon extended its claw towards me, but Viselor rose high into the air, avoiding the fatal blow with a menacing growl.

I look to see what dragon has just attacked me, seeing Morghul, in whose saddle is a woman, a young girl. She was brave to resort to this move. Was it right to commit myself to a fight with them? Viselor was much, much larger than Morghul, and even older, but it didn't guarantee the total success of the fight with no wounds at all.

Viselor suddenly obtruded, causing me to make a sudden move to the front. He lets out an scream, which is covered by an even louder one. Another dragon had cut us off, and now we seemed to be surrounded, front and back. I'm surprised, looking at the other dragon's master.

It was Daeron.


I apologize for the delay of the chapter. I had promised to post it yesterday, but I got a bit sick, quite badly. It's also not the longest chapter, and I'm not really excited about it either, but I'm glad I was able to create some continuity for this story.

I don't know now when the next one will appear, I haven't even started on it (the headache is killing me), but I hope I'll get better and keep writing.

Until then, see you next chapter. Enjoy your reading!

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