1 | One Night in London

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The Arsenal team just won and it's Natalie's first time celebrating with her brother, Ben White. He's the team captain and she's been avoiding his games all season. "We can't have you missing any more games. You're my only family in the city, sis." Ben said. "I won't be out for any more games, Ben. I know you all needed your good luck charm." Natalie said. She notices Ben's attention shift from her to the entrance.

"What's he doing here? He's been here half a season but never comes for the team outings." Ben said. Natalie almost spits her drink out when she sees who's walking through the door. She can practically smell Granit's oaky cologne from here. It's a smell she hasn't tasted up close since her one night stand in London eight months ago.

"He has such a bad attitude. The team doesn't even like him." Ben said. Granit locks eyes with Natalie. The room feels like it's moving in slow motion. That is- until he starts moving towards her. "Allie?" Granit said. Natalie motions towards the bathroom. "Where are you going?" Ben asked. "Remember that time I drank too much fizzy drinks in mum's car when we were kids? And you had to sit in-" "Yuck. Hurry back. I want to get out of here soon since Granit is here." Ben said. Thinking she's slick as a cat, Natalie rushes through people. Phew! Maybe I can get out of here without running into him.

"Allie, hold on!" Granit calls after her. Natalie turns around and smiles at him. "Hey Granit. Good to see you." She said. "Is it? It's been eight months since you left me hanging in London." Granit said. Ben's coming, I need to leave! "Sorry, I really have to pee!" Natalie said and rushes into the bathroom, leaving Granit confused.

Natalie looks at her phone as she sends a text message to her best friend, telling her to pick her up ASAP. Just my luck! Of all the nights for me to finally come out, I chose the same night as Granit Xhaka. A commotion in the main bar breaks her thoughts. She listens by the door and can hear Ben yelling at Granit. "It's your fault! I got checked, Xhaka! You should've had my back!" Ben shouts. Natalie rushes back out to find them in each other's faces.

"It wasn't my fault! I didn't see him coming. Maybe if you passed the ball to me we wouldn't be in this position!" Granit shouted. "That's bullshit, Xhaka, and you know it! You saw him coming for me and you did nothing!" Ben shouted. "But you've never been a team player. That's why you got traded." He said. "Not more than you did when we played. You were here one year, out the next." Granit said. Ben steps closer to Granit's face. He grabs Granit by the shirt. Granit smacks his hand away. Natalie looks around, but the other players don't know what to do.

I hope this doesn't bite me in the ass. I need to step in. Natalie thought. "Guys! Stop bickering with each other!" She shouted. "He started it." Ben said. "And I'm finishing it! You both need to back up." Natalie said. Granit doesn't take his eyes off Ben. He's intense. "You're such a sucker, White." Granit said. "Urgh- If my sister wasn't here to save your ass, I'd break your face right now." Ben said. "Allie's your sister?" Granit asked in shock. Now Granit notices her again. His eyes pierce sharp enough to cut you in half.

"Allie? Who the hell is Allie? This is my sister, Natalie. And don't you dare talk to her!" Ben said. Natalie pulls Ben to the side. "Ben, can you lower your voice? You're causing a scene." She said. "I don't care! It's bad enough he's been a prick since we played, now I have to deal with him on our team." Ben said. "Well, he's here now, so maybe don't cuss out your teammate in front of others." Natalie said. Ben looks around and notices the crowd of people with their phone cameras aimed at them.

"Please just go home before you wind up in the news. My ride's already on the way." Natalie said. "I'm not leaving you here with him." Ben said. "Ben, I'm a black belt. I'll fight him if he touches me." Natalie said and smirked at him. "Okay, Bruce Lee." Ben chuckled. "More like Bruce Leah. Get it?" Natalie said. Ben tries to hide his chuckle. "Fine, text me when you get home. Just stay away from him." He said. Ben leaves the bar with the team.

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