At 8 years old naruto uzumaki is being chased by a mob
Civilians die demon
Ninjas die freak
As naruto collapsed from an attack from behind he was now kicked punched drenched in water electrocuted burned
Suddenly the mob is sent flying as naruto is surrounded by a blue aura revealing to be his aura as he is healed but as he turned to look at them his eyes are different
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Everyone was shocked
Ninja the namikaze dojutsu the hishougan but that means he's a namikaze oh shit
Naruto glares at them
Naruto I'm not the kyuubi you idiots think about this if you have a kunai and scroll put the kunai in scroll you see we are 2 different beings
They all paled
Mob were so sorry naruto-sama
Naruto don't call me that just no more attacks tell everyone that
They nod doing so
Suddenly sarutobi and ANBU appears
Sarutobi sorry my boy the council kept me from being here
Naruto it's ok old man hopefully i stopped the attacks from now on
Sarutobi why you say that
Naruto eyes opens revealing his eyes
Sarutobi you've awakened them I see now I have no choice but to tell you everything
Naruto I know about kyuubi I've known since 4 years old I met her
Sarutobi I see
Sarutobi did she tell you about your parents
Naruto no she said she'd let you
Sarutobi shushins them to hokage office
Sarutobi tells him everything about his family
Naruto I see I know what happened during my birth *explained about Madara using genjutsu on her forcing her to attack*
Naruto you see it's not her fault
Sarutobi I see
Sarutobi we need to tell council about everything
Naruto I have a idea
Sarutobi what's that
Naruto let's wait til I fully evolve it
Sarutobi nods smirking evilly
Naruto can I live in my family mansion
Sarutobi nods I'll take you to it soon
Anbu appears hokage-sama the council needs you and uzumaki
Naruto the mob must of told them damn it
Naruto shushins them to council room
Sarutobi who says you can call meeting
Civilians we can do whatever we want
Anbu does so
Naruto feels pain in his back and collapsed on hands and knees screaming as something comes from them
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A white wing and black wing comes out
Sarutobi the angel bloodline of the uzumaki clan has awakened