Chapter 2

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So, I live in New York, and we got a lot of snow last night and it is still snowing right now. My boyfriend works in a pharmacy, and he can't leave the driveway because of the snow also since so many of the pharmacists are snowed in, they can't open. I am writing in the warmth of the house I will let others go out, my dogs and cats as well as myself and my mother are in front of the pellet stove. Watching Castle while writing because I can. 

Harry woke up to silence, it wasn't normal with the light streaming into the room. "Hatchling, it is time to go." Nikki whispered into Harry's ear. "Dark man is here, he is going to help us." Harry groaned and moved over, he felt worse. "He is bleeding!" Nikki cried and moved closer to her hatchling. "Move, let me help." The man dressed all in dark commanded. "I need your permission to do this." Harry felt himself floating. "It is only way for me to save you, I have to finish a soul bond that you seem to have." Harry agreed if it meant he could live, but only if he was free of the Dursleys. "I want to be safe from this place." Was all he could say, it was in the snake language. "I can promise you will be safe from muggles." The dark man promised and started to weave his magic with magic of the sickly teen wizard. Harry felt pain in his scar blinding until it warmed him, made him feel safe, warm, happy, and loved. "Be still my hatchling all the pain will be over soon." Nikki held onto Harry's small hands with her tail. Nagini and Nikki were both in pain because of the bond they had to their wizards. The pain they felt was eased once the initial stages of the bond were done all that was left was to complete the physical bond and then that would make both wizard's magic stable. Harry woke up in a big bed, it was so comfortable even the pillow even if it moved. Wait pillows don't move! Harry looked up to find an older version of Tom Riddle from the diary, only he didn't feel the fear he felt contentment and safety from the man. "Are you going to continue to stare?" Harry jumped and tried to get off the bed. "I am going to make breakfast, sorry for being on the bed. I know I am not allowed to be on the bed." Tom just held onto Harry's hands. "You are hurt and need to get better. The house elves can make breakfast and you are not to leave this bed till I tell you otherwise." Harry was pulled into Tom's arms and cuddled into the warmth. "I know you might be wondering about the snake you had with you. Nikki is safe with Nagini." Tom felt Harry's concern ease. "You will not go back to those muggles." Harry was turned to face Tom. "I will never send you back there, you will never be hurt by them again." Harry only saw truth in the bright glowing red eyes of Tom Riddle, who was very good looking. "Food is here. The juice has healing potions in it for the cuts and all the injuries you are hiding from me." Harry paled he thought his magic was keeping the glamours up. "I know you have glamours on, the bond allows me to see through it." Tom kissed Harry's head. They both felt the bond strengthen with only one small top of the head kiss. "I thought that you wanted me dead." Harry turned away and Tom made him look at him. "I don't want you dead I only want to protect and love you." Tom lightly ran his fingers through the mess that was Harry's hair. "I want you to get better and then we can complete our bond and both of our magic will be stable." Tom placed a hand against the scar. "You and I are already partly bound, that will stabilize us, we need to complete the physical bond for the completion. Don't feel like you have to be fully bound to me, I had to finish the bond I made on October 31st, 1981." Harry wanted to know more but he just hugged Tom and cuddled into the taller man. Tom began to feed Harry some fruit and made sure he drank the juice. "This will help to heal you and the fruit will get rid of the tase of the potion you have to drink now." Harry smelled the blood replenisher and nutrition potions it made his nose wrinkle. "I know that they smell bad and tase even worse but that is why I had the elves prepare this." Tom showed Harry the chocolate milk shake. "You get this only after you take the potions." (Something I remember being told as a kid to trick me into taking cold medicine that tasted awful.) 

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