Chapter Ten

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Tom watched as the muggles tried to break free from the magic binds attaching them to the floor. "It was hard to get them here." Sirius said slightly out of breath after dragging the baby wale into the cell. "They didn't make too much noise on the way here, did they?" Tom didn't want his people arrested by aurors, or muggle police. "Silencing spells that we took down after they were all safely in the dungeons here." Remus smiled as Sirius laughed at Vernon's weak attempt to punch him. "Don't touch him, you disgusting pig!" Fenrir growled and the wale actually peed himself. "Are you off to tell little lord we have them?" Fenrir asked when he noticed Tom leaving. "Yes. Don't think they have to be in tip top shape when they are brought upstairs. Just keep them alive and with their appendages." Tom smirked as the cell door closed and the muggles were left with two angry werewolves and a very angry grimm. Screams of terror followed Tom to the wards that had silencing spells so those beyond them couldn't hear what happened in the dungeons. Harry was in one of the many living rooms, he was sitting on the couch next to Narcissa who held the teen's hand over stomach. "Oh, is that her?" Tom smiled at the excitement on Harry's face. "That was her foot. Sometimes I can see her little toes when she does that." Narcissa was looking at Harry the same way she did Draco, as a precious son. "How is the baby today?" Tom finally entered the room and Harry ran to him. "I felt her move!" Tom caught Harry mid jump and held him close. "How was it? Did you feel how strong she is?" Harry nodded and Tom then saw a look of longing on Harry's face. "My lord, how are the prisoners? Would you be okay if I checked on them?" Narcissa wanted to hurt them, Harry had told her some of what they had done, and she saw evidence of their long-term neglect and wanted them to suffer just as much as the sweet boy had. "They are here with your cousin and his husbands. I would love it if you could see to them. They need to survive for more than a week." Narcissa bowed her head slightly before leaving albeit a little slower than she would have liked but she wouldn't hurt her unborn child. "How are you, my snake?" Tom sat with Harry on the couch and the teen curled up into Tom. "I feel better now that I have had some potions. Narcissa is letting me help plan how to help each patient from Azkaban. I think that it would be better to slowly warm up the rooms they are in and not shock them with the sudden heat, it was something Sirius said that helped us with it." Harry was talking with his hands and Tom loved it, the way the teen talked was so cute. Soon it was time to eat, and Tom carried Harry to the dining room where his inner circle was gathered. "So, little lord, how was your day?" Barty wanted to bring Harry into their conversations and Tom was happy that they were all trying to help Harry feel comfortable. "I had fun. I got help Narcissa and I felt the baby move." Barty smiled and placed a hand on Narcissa's belly where his child grew. "We brought the target practice here and I think that once Harry learns a few spells from Bella he will be ready to kill." Sirius said with a smile that came straight from the Black family. Remus only rolled his eyes at the antics of his husband and got a slight smile from Fenrir. "I was making a list today of all the potions and can confidently say I can make most of them at Hogwarts without arousing suspicion, they are mostly run of the mill healing potions." Severus said and him and Narcissa began to talk about what potions would be safest and if Narcissa could even brew some. "I can help with the preparation of ingredients." Draco offered and Harry even wanted to help. "Could I help with the potions?" Severus looked at him and Draco and smiled. "Yes, if you could help Draco with the ingredients that would be the best." Severus began to pull out a book and write in it before looking at the boys and writing again. "These are what I need the most help with because they take more time and I need to be on top of theses potions." Severus duplicated the paper and sent one to each boy. "Oh, these are easy to do. Harry will knock these out in no time and be able to practice Quidditch." Draco and Harry had slowly been bonding over Quidditch since they knew each other was there. "Sounds like I will be working with Lucius and Barty on the wards for our friends." Tom spoke while helping feed Harry one of his potions. "Do I have to drink this one?" Harry made a face and pouted at Tom who wouldn't fall victim to the puppy eyes this time. "Yes, you need to drink this. I won't have you fainting on me at random times." The rest of the inner circle smiled at the exchange between the couple. "Fine, but I get to have more snacks later." Harry pouted and then got a kiss from Tom. "Of course, my love." The love was evident in the older man's voice. Severus stood fast and looked worried. "What is it?" Tom was standing with Harry behind him and wand in hand. "Dumbledore sent a message via galleon." Severus held up a galleon that was glowing. "What does he want." Tom was annoyed with the old man. "I have to go; don't worry I will be right back." Severus lightly kissed Lucius's forehead and left for Hogwarts. The rest of the night was off until Severus returned with a bruise on his face and a slight cut on his cheek. "What in Merlin's name happened to you!" Lucius was in Severus's arms before the man could answer. "Dumbledore got upset that I took an oath to not share what happens in the meetings with you, and that I have even stronger mental shields." Tom was starting to shake with anger and Harry was grasping his head in pain. "Tom, please come down." Harry was trying not to cry at how much it hurt, and Tom quickly wrapped his arms around Harry and took deep breaths. "I am so sorry love." Harry lay his head on Tom's shoulder. "We should bring this to the ministry, just the part about him attacking you." Lucius was trying to not break down and Severus was just holding his husband and playing with the blonde's hair. "Love, everything is okay. Everyone should go to bed, and we can figure all this out later." Severus looked at the dark lord who nodded and walked away with Harry, Draco and Barty helped Narcissa stand before they all went to bed. "Come love, I can show you I am perfectly fine." Lucius held onto Severus's hand like it was his lifeline. When the two got to their room Severus began to take off his clothes, watching Lucius's eyes as the blonde inspected every inch of skin that was revealed to him. Soon Severus had his shirt off and Lucius was running his fingers up and down the man's torso. "He didn't hurt you more?" Lucius sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "No. I left before he could. I promised I would be safe and always come back to you didn't I." The potion master laid down next to his husband and held the man close, rubbing soothing circles on the pureblood's back. "I will come back to you, always." Severus whispered as Lucius soon fell asleep with his head on his husband's chest. 

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