Chapter 1

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I was throwing my kunia at the target trying to practice for my test.

"Ready Sora." My senise said to me as I walked up to the stand. "Ya I ready." "Sora don't fall this time!" One kid said. I threw my kunia and it hit the target right on the spot and the others kids said. "What she did it?" "Told you I get it Ya!" I said jumping in the air.

"Mom dad I did it I hit the target just right!" "Great job Sora." Mom said to me. My dad was siting at the table drinking his tea and didn't notice me. "Dad!" "Hm oh ya great job Sora." And I crossed my arms and tilted my head some. "Hm." "Well honey I proud of her she's 5 and I expect her to hit a target right on point at 7 or 10 at least." My mom said to my dad.

I have always been horrible at target till now "hehe" I'm get really better at this!

"Sis can you play with me." Shin walked in my room. "Sure Shin which you want to do." I asked and he said to me. "Ninja." I asked him. "You sure?" "Why." He asked very confused and I told him. "Well I'm training to be a ninja and I getting better I might hurt you for real." "Aw! Can we go to the playground!" Shin said with his face lighting up. And I got up out of bed and said. "Sure!"

We were playing at the playground across the street and played on the swing.

"Ha Shin which your doing?" I asked Shin. He was standing at the fence of the park and I walked over to him. We saw a man with his right eye covered with bangies and had and green and wight outfit he looked at me and then said. "Hello their little one my name is Danzo, are you capable of using your juubi yet?" "Uh not yet?" "Well still nice to meet you though." He said smiling holding out his right hand witch was all banged up but I still shacked it. "Nice to meet you I'm Sora." I told him with a smile. I talked with him for awhile more he is really nice guy.

The next day all I could think about was him and how he had one eye covered it was strange but their was something else about him I thought was weird but other then that he was cool.

I saw the bully at school come up to me and he said to me. "Ha Sora what you say you wanted to be the other day?" "Tsuchikage why?" I told him. Then he told me. "Oh well I wounded how much luck you'll have with that haha!" "Hm I don't care how much luck I have with that I just care about protecting my family and clan." I said burying my head in my arms. "Class have a seat." Then senise walked in the room and I looked up at him and saw the guy from yesterday. "Danzo?" "Hm nice to see you again Sora Uchiha." He told me with a smile then the entire class looked at me and I blushed. "Class we are going to let Danzo talk to us about the 2ed great ninja war so pay attention got it."

Danzo talked for awhile. I wonder what is under his banged eye?

As I saw him leave the school I ran up to him and pulled on his dress his man dress, then he looked down at me and said. "Sora what is it I ou this pleasure to." And I pointed to his eye than said. "What Is under his right eye." And Danzo told me. "My eye just got cut that's all." Hm I think their is more to it then that.

The rest of the day I watched him making sure my charka is off. He was at his place he stayed while he was here and he went in side and layed down and he took of the banged and his eye had a sharigan in it. "Hu?" And I lost balance on the tree I was watching him from and fell. "Ha!!"

Danzo POV

"Hm what is that." I said and I looked out the window and saw Sora falling out a tree. "Sora?" I flashed over their and catched her with my arm. "Clumsy little one aren't you Sora Uchiha." "Hu?" She said looking up at me.

Soras POV

"Aw where you get that eye!" I said jumping back. "Hm my eye well I got this from Madaras brother Izuna." "You stole his eye but why?" I asked him. "That doesn't matter Sora I want to train you." He asked me. "Hm you want to train me why." I asked him and he said to me. "To make you stronger I know the kids at school make fun of you and think your a weak a ninja don't think I didn't notice Sora." "Ok I'll let you train me but what will you teach me." I asked him very curious. "Just some simple jutsu and how to uptain your sharigan." He said to me and I told him. "Then sure I'll train with you but what about when you leave the village to go back to yours?" "You sure got a lot of question Sora I'll be here for 3 months so you have plenty of time for me to train you."

Danzo POV

What a cruise little girl maybe she can be of some use to me hehe I'll take her juubi when she reaches it she has so much potential I can she it in her. "Let me walk you home Sora." I told her and she responded with. "Sure."

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